September 11th Health and Fitness Foundation


September 11th Health and Fitness Foundation

Our Mission is to inform,aid and direct 9/11 rescue workers and all survivors to become well and stay well, awareness of where they can find help is vital.

Members: 30
Latest Activity: Dec 19, 2016

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Comment by Thom Mc on October 29, 2011 at 9:40am
I am working on starting a Firefighters Health 5K Run/walk with the American Heart Assn and other organizations. Should be in June. Hopefully in the Meadowlands. Still working on all the details. Let me know if you are interested.
Comment by Thom Mc on September 30, 2010 at 5:00pm
Brothers, I need some help. I had a triple bypass last Monday and looking for was to rehab. I can't wait to get back on the line. Please email me. Thanks Thom
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on February 4, 2010 at 9:03am
Big things afoot... can't wait to share!

Take the time to look at the FFCA page. FFCA is partnering with Sep11HFF for 2010-2011.

Will post details as soon as our event team gives the OK!
Comment by Melissa L. on January 31, 2010 at 3:25pm
These are so awesome. My sister and I can't wait to see the real thing!!
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on January 28, 2010 at 3:12pm
FFCA is teaming with September 11th Health and Fitness to bring attention to the plight of our brothers and sisters in need.

We will be racing to raise awareness to both the Foundation and the Ride scheduled for September of 2011.

Please check out the team and if you ride, we are not limited to racers, all recreational cyclists are welcome to join.

There are two jerseys... one for the ride which will be available when the website goes live (very soon!) and the other specifically for the Firefighters Cycling Association.

Take a look at the site and pass it along!

Ride for 9/11 Heroes
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on December 22, 2009 at 5:22pm
Ride for 9/11 Heroes

On September 11 2001 we lost 343 Brothers. This number does not include the 23 NYPD, or the 37 PAPD brothers & sisters killed trying to rescue thousands from the nightmare that was 9.11, and that number doesn’t come close to the number of brothers and sisters suffering chronic to terminal WTC related illness.

Today the number of brothers and sisters suffering in silence is staggering. And the fact that most firefighters I talk to have no idea we’ve lost (by some estimates) as many as 800 since 9/11 has given us the drive to get their story out to the rest of America.

In September 2011 the “Ride for 9/11 Heroes” will travel from Boston to New York City to raise millions to help them.

Why start in Boston?

Ask any civilian in the world to name two fire departments in this country and almost to a man or woman they will say FDNY and BFD. These two departments are as competitive as the Red Sox and Yankees. Many Jakes went to NYC to help out on and after 9/11. So it made sense to us in planning this event to bridge these two great cities.

The “Ride”

Thousands are sick and or dying from the effects of exposure to toxins in the days and weeks after the attacks, yet we don’t think of their sacrifice when we talk about 9/11. It is time we started not only talking about it, but doing something about it. Ride for 9/11 Heroes is hoping to raise between 5 and 10 million dollars to help our ailing brothers and sisters, and to bring media coverage to their plight.

Benefit Rides…

Across America every spring and summer (even fall and winter in the warmest parts) there are weekly events supporting this cause or that and in over 100 cities the NMSS (National Multiple Sclerosis Society) puts on 2 day events that average 150 miles. These events are held with fewer than 1000 riders in some areas, and as many as the 13,000 riders in the Austin-Houston BP ride!

The MS rides have a minimum commitment of $300 per rider and most people ask friends and family for donations to meet their quota, but some raise $20,000 by themselves. Outside of individuals, there are teams that take these events to unreal levels. Some teams are made up of employees from corporations such as EDS, Southwest Airlines, BP, to name but a few. These big corporate teams can have as many as 300 riders who each raise a minimum of $300 each. That is $900,000 from 1 team! And you can be sure many of these riders get into competitions with their coworkers to see who can raise the most money. Now imagine the level of competition to help out Americas Heroes.

So… you can see this is an incredible way to raise money to help our brothers and sisters.

Ride for 9/11 Heroes

Starting in Boston, Massachusetts and finishing in downtown Manhattan the ride will cover 25-300 miles over 4 days and attract as many as 10,000 cyclists who each raise a minimum of $300 or a minimum total of $3 million that will go directly to foundations and agencies helping those we lost, are losing and their families.

We have elected to enlist the services of Red Licorice Productions (RLP) to organize and promote our event. Why you ask? Simple, RLP is in the business of organizing large events and have the contacts, business knowledge and expertise needed to make this an event, not just a ride.

The Name

Most of us are very uncomfortable with being called heroes. So much so that we shrug it off and say “I am just doing my job…”

But to many we ARE the heroes. Like it or not, civilians look at us in a different light, and expect more of us than others. Well brothers and sisters, we are going to use a title for our event that touches Americans and unlike MS or Diabetes, or ALS, Firefighters and Police officers are not a disease. We are the guys they see washing the trucks on Saturday morning, getting groceries at Publix, Safeway, or HEB, or coming to the aid of someone they know. Everyone knows a cop or a firefighter.
People remember our brothers and sisters that dies that Tuesday morning nearly 10 years ago, and because of that we are going to raise millions to help these brothers and sisters, and if it takes using the Hero moniker to get the general public’s attention, so be it…

Comment by Melissa L. on December 6, 2009 at 3:13am
Hey Allen- I already told ya this on FB but I want to tell everyone here. I love these! Mostly because they combine FDNY, NYPD and PAPD. Not a lot of people outside of the WTC know that the Port Authority of NY and NJ (PANYNJ) have their own police and fire rescue. Also most people do not know that many of the Port Authority employees were heros on that day and lost their lives saving the lives of others. One man in particular was the Fire and Safety Director of the WTC, employee of the PA for over 27 years. He survived and was awarded the medal of Valor for evacuating thousands.
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on December 4, 2009 at 5:39pm

Comment by Gordy Laskey on October 29, 2009 at 8:41am
SUE keep up the good work .God Bless and keep safe
Comment by Sue Okenyi on October 28, 2009 at 6:36pm
I'm not a fire fighter or EMT. I don't live on the East Coast but I've had a lot of interaction with many personally effected by the 9/11 tragedy and physical, mental and emotional hazards that resulted. I look forward to learning what I can. I'm very concerned for all involved and hope to be help in what ever way I can. I already speak about it when the opportunty arises.

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