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Pro Development Team (FFCA PDT) uses cycling to spread the word about our professional rescuers
suffering chronic to terminal illnesses, especially those that can be
attributed to exposure during the months after 9/11. First
Responders everywhere are at risk for health issues that don't go away.
For many it’s a chronic cough or allergies that can be traced to toxins
we encountered everyday on the job.

While the team was originally built to support 9/11 Firefighters, we have expanded our cause to
all Emergency Services workers.

It wasn't until a proposed Bike Ride in New York to commemorate the 10th anniversary of 9/11 started
to come apart, that the idea of a Pro Development team began to take shape.
FormigliUSA was the first to step up and make a commitment to the program
with custom frames for the team, followed by Rudy Project with
Glasses and Helmets, Vittoria Shoes, Pierre Cycling Line & WG for clothes,
and others signing on daily.

Beginning in 2011, FFCA PDT will field an eight rider team from three nations with no less than
three past National Champions in the fold. Two riders are coming from the
famed Trek-Livestrong U23 team, and five riders on this team have more than a
good chance to race in the 2012 London Olympic Games, from Peter
Williams the Irish All-Rounder, to Justin Williams who is always
looking for a sprint victory. There is so much talent and potential that
this team is going to be a player in any race they enter, including those on
the National Racing Calendar.

And when they visit a new town or city, they will visit the Fire Stations you work in, and help share the
value of riding bikes in building a great fitness program. Help us bring this
team to your city, and cheer on your boys when they cross the line first! $1
each from firefighters and emergency services workers across the country will
allow us to bring needed attention to these heroes.

It’s easy, click on the link below and donate $1 to FFCA, you will receive a note from the team
thanking you for supporting this great program, and we will send you, our
owners weekly updates and notifications of public appearances the team makes to
promote our foundations, First Responders Health & Fitness, & Project


Allen Wahlström FF/EMT

Depot Fire, UMCD, OR

Team Director - FFCA PDT

Firefighters Cycling

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Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on November 6, 2010 at 5:18pm
Hey Art the link is there is a button at the bottom of the page to make a donation. Thanks Brother!
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on November 6, 2010 at 10:08am
Link is broke.
However; I have been watching you as you grow this.
It has been inspiring and I know it means a lot to you.
I am proud of you and what you are doing.
Keep up your good work and give me a link so I can send a donation!

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