Sometime on Friday I hit 1100 miles for the year. I am about 3 weeks ahead of last years 1000 mile point and by April 9th I should have 1500.

My weight has fallen to 197 and the goal is 180 by June 1st. The cool part of this whole thing is I will be 50 pounds lighter some time this week, of course that depends on my mileage and how many cookies I eat!

This is a huge water mark for me as I have had a hard time breaking down the 200 pound barrier. That finally fell about a week ago and suddenly the pounds are coming off again. Crazy how that works, right?

Well... not exactly. I have been riding, eating right, and taking my supplements, but the weight was being stubborn. It was making me crazy, that was until I pulled out the tape measure and figured out hoe many inches I have lost in the past 10 weeks.

Waist was 40.6" - now 39.8" (not quite an inch, but almost)
Hips another .7"
Chest another 1"
Thigh, yeah that went up a quarter inch... guess 1100 miles adds a little muscle?
So while I have only lost 8 pounds this year (yeah I gained about 5 over the holidays) My measurements have changed, down another notch on the belt, resting heart rate is in the 40's!!! Can't wait for cholesterol and BGL tests next month.

I should be down to 195 on my birthday, if not lower and that is the lowest I have been since September of 2004.

So for all of you who think you are too fat to ever be fit again, think again.

Find a workout program that works for you
Don't start too hard... work your way into it.
Change your eating habits (give up cookies, or hamburgers or Cokes 6 days a week)
Find a supplement line that is safe/tested and it's not radical...
Advocare, Herbalife, Usana are all good.
They are all direct sales lines and the person who sells them to you should keep up with your progress.

Find someone to keep you going... and keep a journal.
I found Fitness Journal online and it is fantastic, the best part is you can log your daily food intake and see if you are eating more than you are burning or vice versa. Fantastic program, our fire department is about to go to this for our peer trainers to keep up with their firefighters... check it out.

Well more later... and here is a pic from this weekend after a 40 mile ride!

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