Aaron Robbins
  • 34, Male
  • Asheboro, NC
  • United States
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Sep 2, 2020

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
3 yrs
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Ulah Volunteer Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
2 yrs
My Training:
ICS 200, EMT, EMC, Water Supplies, Fire Behavior, PPE, Fire Alarms & Communication Systems, Portable Fire Extinguishers, Salvage, Overhaul, Fire Safety & Organization, 2 Live Burns, Fire Control, Ropes, Foam Fire Streams, Building Construction, Ventilation, Hybrid Vehicle Response, Fire Prevention, Cause, & Education, Sprinklers, Rescue, Fire Hose, Streams, & Appliances,
About Me:
Well my name is Aaron Robbins and i am so thankful to have the best girl friend in the whole world named Kristina she is also a FF. I hang out with a lot of the guys and girls from the station and iam a senior in high school and cant wait till i get my dream job.
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
It's in my blood
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Helping people and the rush

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Aaron Robbins's Blog

New Fire House Dog!!!

Posted on June 24, 2009 at 2:30pm 7 Comments

Ok the story goes like this...We had a trailer fire Monday morning the 15Th at 4:30, well on the way there was reports of trapped animals. We had a crew go in on the back door and right when the walked in there were dead animals in the door way. When they went in a little more one of our female FF's spotted a dog on the floor still moving. She picked it up and it was still breathing, so she came out and put a nonrebreather on it and later it started breathing on it's own. Well come to find out… Continue

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At 11:39pm on December 11, 2009, DALE G. PEKEL said…
Hello Aaron,

Thanks for the request - Nice job on your page! I love the shots of your pup; I used to have a dog myself. Keep up that passion and good luck in your future firefighting career.

Best Regards,
Dale G. Pekel
At 5:04pm on August 21, 2009, Mike Harris said…
Hey Aaron, whats happening, any time that you are down at the beach your welcome to stop by. We are very happy to show off our new station. mike
At 7:44am on August 1, 2009, Robin Dail said…
Thank you for adding me as a friend.
At 12:25am on August 1, 2009, Ray Chandler said…
Aaron, good to hear from you. Just so happens I worked for E-one when you guys got that big tanker from CW Williams. I did most of the extra work on it when I wasn't on the road for E-one. Nice Truck.
At 5:12pm on May 23, 2009, Carlos Alberto Hernández Gonzále said…
No aron, yo pensé que eras de DCFD por el video que montaste, Kelly M Berny es bombero en DC y pertenece al grupo rescue2training y hace unos meses vinieron a mi ciudad (Cali – Colombia)
a dictar unos cursos con cuerdas, rescate vehicular y materiales peligrosos.


no Aron, I thought you were DCFD because the video mounted, Kelly M Berny is a firefighter in DC and belongs to the group rescue2training a few months ago and came to my town (Cali - Colombia)
to deliver courses with ropes, rescue vehicles and hazmat.
sorry for my english...
At 11:15pm on May 20, 2009, Carlos Alberto Hernández Gonzále said…
yes, kelly M byrne.
At 1:25am on April 4, 2009, Kayla Mowrey said…
Thanks for the photo comment =)
At 9:03pm on April 1, 2009, Cody Baker said…
Bro that picture was really neat and I think it was cool that you gave it to your Dad for a Christmas Gift. Add me on yahoo. Email address is cody.baker19@yahoo.com Ok brother...

Cody Baker
At 6:12pm on April 1, 2009, Cody Baker said…
Hey Aaron I am Cody Baker. I was wondering if you would add me to FFN. I also have Yahoo. My address is cody.baker19@yahoo.com Plz feel free to add me.

Cody Baker
At 6:04pm on April 1, 2009, Amanda said…
Hey, thanks for the invite! Good Luck with firefighting and stay safe!
At 2:03pm on April 1, 2009, Michael Wood said…
About 45 mins.
At 3:18pm on March 26, 2009, David Williamson said…
No problem I understand.
At 2:57pm on March 26, 2009, David Williamson said…
Hey Aaron, thanks for the friend request. I collect patches would it be possible to get one from you department?

Be safe
David Williamson
At 3:35pm on March 7, 2009, Brian said…
you ever figure out what dashlight you wanted?
At 9:30pm on February 23, 2009, Aaron said…
Thanks for the invite cool website
At 7:08pm on January 27, 2009, 163 GHOST said…
hey whats up from sonora, mexico
At 4:32pm on January 25, 2009, Joe Brosius said…
Hey Aaron,
Thanks for responding last week when I first signed up to FFNation.
I am not from NC originally so where in the state are you?
Joe Brosius
At 8:28pm on January 22, 2009, Jim said…
Didn't get asked to teach this year. want be there. Hope you get the class you want
At 6:53pm on January 22, 2009, Jim said…
Are you refering to Randolph Fire college weekend or what?
At 5:58pm on January 21, 2009, Jim Madison said…
Thanks for the link bro. A lot of good stuff on there.

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