9-11 Still In Our Hearts


9-11 Still In Our Hearts

I wanted to join the fire dept after 911 and i just wanted to show my honor to the ones who lost there life on that everyday.

Website: http://www.firefighternation.com/stillinhearts01
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Members: 118
Latest Activity: Dec 30, 2016

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Comment by Marty D. Ross on September 9, 2011 at 2:54pm

I wish you could all be in Branson Mo. on sunday so we could all be together at Silver Dollar City to remember our fallen brothers and sisters from that fateful day. I will be thinking of youall and have you in my praers. Be safe always.


Comment by Helmut Mennen on August 24, 2010 at 9:53am
It is now almost nine years ago and I still can not believe.
In memory of all who died there, we will never forget you.
Comment by tony roberts on February 23, 2010 at 9:43am
that was a bad day i just got home from work turn on the tv and seen what was going on
Comment by John Trotter on October 28, 2009 at 10:36am
i stell think about 9-11 its on my mined every day. the middle falls fire deprtment was going 2 go 2 give a hand but we never went wich i wish we did but the brothers and sister who have fullen on dutey will b remberd all the time.
Comment by Greg Gilman on September 7, 2009 at 9:50am
Comment by Rick K. on August 7, 2009 at 12:30am
It's a day none of us will ever forget !!
Comment by Bulldozer on June 14, 2009 at 3:17pm
To all my Brothers and Sisters.
I am asking for prayer for my Father. He is not doing so good anymore and his health is getting very bad. He is having problems with his heart, lungs, neck, back, and now his liver. He has Upper Respiratory Disease, General Disk Disease in his lower back, crushed disk in his neck and the Doctor fused from disk 2 to disk 7 and put a medal plate and 7 screws in his neck, and now his Liver is messing up. Some people say that there is no way he should be alive, but he is still here and fighting to stay alive.
What is so hard about the hole thing is that, His not only my Father but my mentor, teacher, and a Brother Firefighter. So I am having a hard time dealing with everything. I am asking for prayer to help my Family and I to be able to deal with it all. And any advice is welcome and thankful.

Be safe and God bless Bulldozer
Comment by Bulldozer on June 9, 2009 at 2:39pm
I whent there i remember it all
Comment by Mark A. Duell on May 28, 2009 at 8:04pm
I was at work when one of the older ladies came over and said some dummy just crashed a plane into the twin towers. Shes a jokes a lot and at first I really didn't believe her. Then at break I went out to see the news and then I saw the first tower go down. My heart sank and knew then that many of my brothers and sisters had just gave it all. I could not believe this was happening. Then the other hits at the Pentagon and Shanksville Pa. took place. A little while later I had gotten a phone call from the county telling us to be ready to go if we needed to. Then they had the funeral services for the fallen, I still break down and cry as a grown man, because of the families left behind, and because they are my brothers and sisters. "343"
Comment by Greg Gilman on May 13, 2009 at 1:22pm

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