
Fire House Good Times

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what kind of fun do you have at your fire house?

Started by firefighter schoening. Last reply by Chief 29 Aug 22, 2009. 3 Replies

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Comment by firefighter schoening on March 15, 2009 at 2:36pm
i just dont understand how they can do it man cuz i know i
Comment by firefighter schoening on March 15, 2009 at 2:35pm
then he's a bad as my one buddy. he can drink a bottle of bud in under 5sec.
Comment by Scott on March 15, 2009 at 9:55am
He drank it too fast!
Comment by firefighter schoening on March 14, 2009 at 10:38pm
its a wonder he dident tast the bubbles
Comment by firefighter schoening on March 14, 2009 at 10:37pm
lol...ill tell you scott i never thought of doing somthing like that with the proby. with the flag pole that would be funny as hell to see..
Comment by Scott on March 14, 2009 at 4:54pm
One of the guys in the firehouse always blabbed about how he can slam a beer down and beat anyone..Well this was too good to pass up so we took a beer bottle and empty it out a little. Then we added some liquid soap and swirled it around. He walked back in a while later and we challeged him to a race to see who can down the beer first ,GAME ON! We started and drank as fast as we could. Wouldn't you know....He was right. He can drink faster than us. He can also blow bubbles bigger too!
Comment by Scott on March 14, 2009 at 4:46pm
Another time we took one of the probies and handcuffed him in his underwear to the flagpole in front of the firehouse for 15 minutes. It was dark out so not too many people saw him...Until we pulled the flood light truck onto the ramp and lit him up! -Probies are so much fun!
Comment by Scott on March 14, 2009 at 4:43pm
Hello, just found this topic. I have had alot of firehouse fun in my years. I'll try to share some now and then.

One time a bunch of us where sitting around doing nothing and one of our loud mouth Probies showed up in his "super fire fighting' POV....You all know what I'm talking about...anyway he came over and was shooting his mouth off about something, don't really remember, We decided to do a backboarding drill for the practice of putting someone on a backboard. We took him and strapped him down, (according to proceedure of course) then we took him out to the back where we cut the cars up for training. We had him so secure that we flipped him face down and hung him between two practice cars. We never left him alone or left him for long, but it did stop him from shooting his mouth off for a while.
Comment by firefighter schoening on March 1, 2009 at 2:48pm
well i can say i was like that when i firt joined the fire house. i think its just how it is at first.
Comment by Joey "BigShow" De Piano on February 28, 2009 at 11:21pm
Hey Bro good had a few in 14 i can say i did not to long ago was taking a group of new know it all probies and told them the first one to go to the hose rack and bring me a 100 ft. length of Thermal dayglo attack reverse line would get a case of cold brews on was very rewarding to sit with the crew and drink said refreshments as they tore out the hose rack...after several minutes the chief pulled in and gave them alla good idea move the lighter rack and sweep out the station and repack it..after 45 mins and much of their sweat they requested we show them this said attack line ..I simply said .."you know it all and you didn't know that was all BullSh*^* was the last time they boasted ..but at least they laughed at themselves

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