
Today's Trainers

A place where instructors, officers and firefighters can discuss the issues and problems facing today's firefighters as they respond to incidents and how to train for these new hazards.

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Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

Building construction

Started by Devan Mills. Last reply by John Jacquette Dec 18, 2011. 4 Replies

I would like to hear different people's opinions on the subject of building construction. things you have learned through years on the job, or through taking courses in college. your input is needed

Managing multiple structures involed on one scene

Started by Chris Weber. Last reply by Russ Marks Nov 23, 2011. 2 Replies

I am going to borrow this idea from the comments and expand it to a discussion.I know it is reasonably common in urban or suburban areas but out here in my neck of the woods it isn't all that…Continue

Training on rural water supply ops.

Started by Chris Weber. Last reply by Tom Williams Feb 16, 2011. 4 Replies

I just ran a short drill with a crew of 4 of my folks on water supply.I gave them a scenario of a pond off the road with no access road close to it and told them I wanted them to list what they would…Continue

DIsoriented Firefighter

Started by Dave Mainwaring. Last reply by Timothy Sendelbach Feb 12, 2011. 1 Reply

My company has been tasked to create a department training on the disoriented firefighter. We plan to do a powerpoint and a practical skills exercise. What do you do? A secondary requirement of this…Continue

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Comment by Jesse Quinalty on August 3, 2011 at 1:33am
Hello, I am new to this group. I am a Master Instructor with the CA. State Fire Marshal and a Captain with the Upland Fire Department. I am also a member of the San Bernardino County Training Officers Association and manage the Training Resource And Information Network (T.R.A.I.N.) in which TO's store training material for sharing on an external drive. I look forward to assisting this group in the future.

Red Helmet Training .
Comment by Chris Weber on February 18, 2011 at 11:13pm
Sorry about the discussion post being long but I had to try to explain the situation I encountered the best I could.Hope I painted a good enough picture.
Comment by Tom Williams on February 15, 2011 at 12:34pm
Thanks FW, Looking forward to everyone throwing their two cents worth in.
Comment by Firewriter on February 15, 2011 at 10:32am
Tom, thanks for the invite. Great idea!
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 1, 2011 at 1:25pm
Following you Chief Tom...
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 1, 2011 at 12:54pm
Another issue popped in my head...

* Multiple structures on fire - same scene... Managing each fire... individually and collectively...

which of course brings up

* Managing exposure to other structures

* Managing truck / equipment placement

I remember at a furniture store fire (the size of a football field) 50% involved - the heat was so hot from the fire - the paint was peeled off several of the trucks on scene.

* Driver safety

* PARKING management - negotiating shoulders, soft ground, and other questionable locations

taking an extra 5-10 minutes to properly place trucks / layout the scene structure - may save A LOT of problems - who is in charge of this - how are decisions made individually and collectively on truck placement
Comment by Tom Williams on February 1, 2011 at 12:48pm
Heather, I'm fire with going with borth Fire/EMS. Medical calls is something fire departments are responding to more & more of. Can see you've been busy and putting some serious thought into things here.

Jump on in and open up some discussions.
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 1, 2011 at 12:22pm
My district - Fire/Ems is wrapped together - and everyone goes to everything - thus the spin on my comments. But maybe Tom wanted to focus this on Fire Only, not sure?

Hey I thought of some more training things, I want some discussion on.

* School emergencies - lock downs, knife fights, school shootings - difference management of a elementary vs. high vs university.

* Scene safety for psychiatric emergencies

* Suicide/Attempted Suicide

* Mental Illness / psychiatric emergency treatment

* Arsonists

* (Non-injured) Victim management at fire scenes

* Animal management / awareness - at fires and medical emergencies

One of my officers killed a german shepard when he entered a home for a man down, and the german shepard attacked him as he started CPR - my officer punched the dog in the chest as he threw the dog off him - but where he caught the dog was in the solar plexis region which caused the dog's heart to stop. Then we were doing CPR on the dog and the man - sadly both died. My officer was devasted - feeling as though he addressed the dog attacking him too roughly - and he failed to secure the scene before starting patient care.
Comment by Fabulous Heather Days of Summer on February 1, 2011 at 12:10pm
Hey Tom - I have more things I want to know too... hee hee... so glad I could jump on your band wagon... since I have seen some of your training developments - I think this is a great group.

Michael - glad you got my invite to join Tom's group. I just threw out some ideas in the mix. I am a lowly cog in the system... But many people on here have great ideas... So I am going to watch and learn more than speak in this group... but you should bring in your knowledge as well...

I can't wait... I am so excited... by this learnin approach...
Comment by Michael Meadows on February 1, 2011 at 10:00am
Excellent group to start Heather looking forward to learning from this.

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