Devan Mills
  • Male
  • Gaylesville, AL
  • United States
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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
gaylesville fire department
Years With Department/Agency
1 year
My Training:
nims incident command courses is.100.a is.200.a is.700.a is.800b.
Bloodborne Pathogen Certificate Michigan State U.
Trained at the HAZMAT Awareness level
About Me:
i was born to be a fireman
Day Job:
college for fire science
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
to help people and serve my community
Why I Love Fire/EMS
where else can you go to work and make a difference like that
Top Issues Facing Responders:
all the different things floating around responders have to take extra levels of security now a days

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Comment Wall (18 comments)

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At 3:21am on April 22, 2011, John McCaffrey said…
Thanks for the warm welcome
At 2:38pm on April 14, 2011, Gregory Borg said…
Try this we start taking apps on April 18, you can do it on line. I will be out of town for 6 days starting tomorrow. I will not have a computer, when I get back I can answer any questions for you.
At 2:34pm on March 28, 2011, Gregory Borg said…
Do college if you have the chance, you will never be sorry.
At 12:49pm on March 28, 2011, Gregory Borg said…
Hey Devan, I have been well, I have been building a new company level training program for our station. It has been slow the las month or so, but they 14 calls yeasterday and we have had 4 this morning (07:30 to 09:30) so it is shaping up to be a busy day. Have you been testing at any departments?
At 9:43pm on January 31, 2011, Rachel said…
Nice to meet you!!
At 11:47am on December 2, 2010, Jessica J Joiner said…
Thanks for accepting my friend request! It's nice to see someone else from the Heart of Dixie! :) Come see us at the CDP sometime! Take care and God Bless!
At 9:22pm on October 8, 2010, Gregory Borg said…
Let me know it that worked, if not send me your e-mail and I will e-mail them. In the building of training props Station 4 has done the following. They have rail cars on tracks in out training area, a non-pressurized tanker they can practice entry into. The have buried some concrete sewer pipe that runs into a underground cistern. This has several sizes of pipe coming into it, 18 inch, 24 inch, 36 inch. They are built into a maze so they can be used for entry and retrieval practice. Our sewer and street departments provided us with damaged pipe that they were done with and helped us put it in. They also have some concrete slabs that they can practice digging under, they are all piled caty-whampus like a building collapse. There is also a trenh area so they can practice collaped trench rescue. The team from Station 4 trains everyone on the department on recognition and operations every year. This R&O class is required in our state for trench, confined space, rope rescue and Haz-Mat every year. It is a big job training 300 firefighters.
At 9:10pm on October 8, 2010, Gregory Borg said… Trench Rescue (11-11-03).pdfDevan, Sorry this took so long. You know how it goes sometimes. I am sending you our policies on confined space rescue and trench rescue. These are the operational policies for the first on scene engine of truck. The tech rescue team, Ladder4 and Engine 4 have their own rules to work from. I will see if I can get that later. This is recognition and operations policy for first arriving companies, not technition level stuff. Be safe. Confined Space Emergency (11-11-03).pdf
At 2:02pm on September 3, 2010, Gregory Borg said…
Devan, I am off work for a weeks vacation. When I get back I will see what our department has now and send it to you. In 1995 I worked on Ladder 4 and we were the first company to be trained in Tech Rescue, con/space, rope and trench. Now Station 4 (E-4 & L-4) do tech rescue. I was instrumental in starting the program. I will add that the IAFF will come and train departments free of charge but I think you have to have an IAFF local ask for the training. I will check on that also. I will get back to you.
At 2:39am on September 2, 2010, Shelby Bracken said…
Thanks Devan for refering me to this site. I like it already .

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