I just ran a short drill with a crew of 4 of my folks on water supply.I gave them a scenario of a pond off the road with no access road close to it and told them I wanted them to list what they would need to flow a 500 gpm(min.)supply from it.I used an actual location in our response area and told them I wanted it today(0 degrees and a foot or better of snow.)

It was interesting watching them throw ideas back and forth as to what they would need and how they would get it there.They had a couple good ideas right off the bat but then I told them that although it was a good idea,it wouldn't work for that location.After 15-20 minutes they got things hashed out and we went over their list.It was a fun exercise.

Biggest hurdle was using enough portable pumps.A couple of them have never had the chance to actually use them for supply in real life so I think I taught them something anyway.

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One my favorite topics Chris. Couple questions on this scenario, 1) How far from the road to the pond? 2) Is there any elevation change to deal with between the road and pond? 3) Do any of the engines/tankers have 4 wheel drive?

Got a couple other thoughts/questions but I want to wait on the answers to these first.
We had A case like that ,we but 2 BIG portable pumps in the the pond and that worked great
How big of a tanker is it Chief? Our response area is split with about 60% without hydrants and 40% with hydrants. We have 1 tanker with 2500 gallons and then 2 engines/tankers with 1250 gallons.


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