Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
TOSHA (Executive Board)
Red Cross (DAT)
My Training:
TEMA, OSHA, Homeland Security, State of TN, Red Cross
About Me:
If you want to know, just ask. My biggest thrill is helping others ... next would be making them laugh or smile!
Day Job:
Waking up and making the coffee
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Very simply - I want to help others. So incredible to see someone go from devastation to hope; to see the tears dry as the pain and fear diminishes; to know that by doing our jobs, others are helped ... no better feeling in the world!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
On the job safety, cut-backs in funding, older equipment, public support and awareness ...
thanks FW the new gig is at sikorsky helicopters. bad part of the new gig is that i can only respond to ems and structural related calls as a FF/EMT, any aircraft calls(which is 90% of our calls) i can only act as an emt but i am heading to ARFF school this spring sometime.....
At 12:12pm on February 17, 2011, William Bills said…
Will do...will do. It has been much better with the meds. Thanks for your interest and concern!
At 10:55am on February 17, 2011, William Bills said…
Oh...the scope. LOL! First, thank you so much for asking!! It turns out I had a "significantly large ulcer" and "burning at the base of my esophogus, both of which is now scar tissue". That is the quote form the doctor. I have been on medication, so apparently it has healed itself. I get the formal report at my appointment on Monday. Be tween my job and the station, I can't imagine how I possibly could have an ulcer! LMAO! :) Hope all is well with you!
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thank you for the comment
I needed a good laugh today, and I went on, was reading through the BRC, and started to chuckle.
oh, and tell them double raspberries, cause you wont have to clothe yourself if ya dont want to... LOL
and I do most of the cooking. so HA !! LOL
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