Today on 9/11, please take time to remember those we lost on that fateful day and those we continue to lose till today. Also please find the time to always hold and cherish your loved ones, for nothing in life is granted or lasts forever. What is…
To everyone in FFN, on this Memorial Day, please remember the fallen,. Honor their service and sacrifice. Rejoice in our freedom, thanks to our service members and their families. God bless them always.
The Assn. Aux-Vol Firefighters wishes everyone in FFN, a Safe, Healthy, Prosperous and Happy New Year in 2024, to you and yours. Let's also keep in our thoughts all our Military troops wherever they maybe stationed. Also to all our First Responders…
The Assn Aux-Vol Firefighters, wishes everyone in FFN, all First Responders, our Military and families, a very Merry Christmas. God bless you all always!
The Assn Aux-Vol Firefighters, wishes everyone in FFN, all First Responders and our Military and families, a Happy Thanksgiving and may your blessings be multiplied throughout the year. God bless always!
The Assn. Aux-Vol Firefighters asks that on this solemn day, please honor and remember those we lost 22 years ago and those we have lost since. As time passes, people tend to forget. We have a new generation since, that weren't even around. We has a…
Viewing and Funeral Details for Newark FD, FF Augosto Acabou and FF Wayne Brooks Jr. LODD 7/6/23VIEWING Information:Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart89 Ridge StNewark, NJ 071041(973)484-4600FF Augusto 'Augie' AcabouWednesday, July 12, 2023 from…
The Assn. Aux-Vol Firefighters offers our deepest condolences on the passing of Newark FD, FF Augosto 'Augie' Acabou 45 (L) and FF Wayne 'Bear' Brooks 49 (R) who perished in the shipboard fire on The Grimaldi Group Container Ship 'Grande Costa…
The Assn. Aux-Vol Firefighters wishes everyone in FFN and all First Responders and their families,a Happy and Safe 4th of July. Let's also keep in our thoughts all our Military troops wherever they maybe stationed. Because of them, this land is…
The Assn. Aux-Vol Firefighters implores everyone to Remember the many who have served and died for our country and Honor them all on Memorial Day. Say a prayer for them and keep them in your thoughts.
The AAVF wishes everyone in FFN, that all have the luck of the Irish and have a blessed and lovely day , today and for the rest of the year. Always stay safe!
The Assn. Aux-Vol Firefighters, wishes to express our sincerest condolences on the passing of NYPD P.O. Adeed Fayaz, 66 Pct., who was shot while off duty, during an ambush robbery when attempting to purchase a used vehicle in a private sale. He…
The Assn. Aux-Vol Firefighters wishes everyone in FFN, a Safe, Healthy, Prosperous and Happy New Year in 2023, to you and yours. Let's also keep in our thoughts all our Military troops wherever they maybe stationed. Also to all our first responders…
The Assn. Aux-Vol Firefighters wishes everyone in FFN, a Blessed and Merry Christmas to you and yours. Let's also keep in our thoughts all our Military troops wherever they maybe stationed. Also to all our first responders who may be working on this…
The AAVF, wishes to express our sincerest condolences on the passing of FDNY FF William P.Moon II, Rescue 2 who got injured during a training drill on 12/12. Even after his death, he as an organ donor, helped save five lives. Our thoughts and…
The Assn. Aux-Vol Firefighters wishes everyone in FFN, a blessed and happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Let's also keep in our thoughts all our Military troops wherever they maybe stationed. Also to all our first responders who may be working on…
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Congressional Fire Service Institute
Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Response Assoc., Intl.
Fire Dept. Safety Officers Assoc.
Firefighter & EMS Foundation
Firefighters For Christ
Firemen's Assoc. State of New York
Friends of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
National Assoc. Emergency Medical Technicians
National Assoc. of Fire Investigators
National Assoc. For Search And Rescue
National Assoc. of Hispanic Firefighters
National Vol. Fire Council
New York Retired Vol. Firefighters Assoc.
New York State Assoc. of Fire Chief's
New York State Vol. Ambulance and Rescue Assoc.
New Jersey and New York Vol. Firemen's Assoc.
Southern New York Vol. Firemen's Assoc.
Volunteer Firefighter Alliance
My Training:
Active Shooter Awareness
Alternative Fuel Vehicles
Amateur Radio - Technician
Anaphylaxis Awareness
Anhydrous Ammonia Awareness
Alzheimers Awareness
Asthma Awareness
Autism Awareness
Basic Hazmat Life Support
Behavioral Health for the Fire and Emergency Services
Bloodborne Pathogens
BLS Health Care Provider
Boating Safety
Burn Care - Pre - Hospital Provider
Cancer Awareness
CEVO 3 - Ambulance
CEVO 3 - Fire
Chemical Suicide Awareness for First Responders
Child Abuse Reporting
Chlorine Safety
Community Emergency Response Team
Confined Space - Awareness
Core Disaster Life Support
County Animal Response Team
Courage to Be Safe
Crime Scene Awareness
Crude By Rail Emergency Response
Developmental Disabilities Awareness
Effective Fire Dept. Leader
Electric Vehicle Safety Awareness
Electrical Safety
Elder Abuse Awareness
EmComm - Level 2
Emergency Oxygen Administration
Emergency Responder Health Monitoring and Surveillance Awareness
Emergency Response to Terrorism
Emergency Services Risk Reduction Program
Energy Storage Systems Safety
Epilepsy and Seizure Response
Ethanol Emergency Response
FEMA EMI Professional Development Series
Fire Ground Accountability
Fire Ground Survival Awareness
Firefighter Bail Out System
Fire Service Ethics
First Aid- Basic
Flood Cleanup Awareness
HazCom/Right To Know
HazMat- Operations
HazMat Security Awareness
Highway Safety for Emergency Service Personnel
Healthcare Ergonomics
Human Trafficking Awareness
Hydrogen Safety
Incident Safety Officer Series
Infection Control
Injury Prevention on the Fire Ground
Is Your Department at its B.E.S.T.?
Leadership, Accountability, Culture and Knowledge
Leadership for the Fire and Emergency Services
LNG Awareness Emergency Response
Machinery Rescue Awareness
Managing A Modern & Effective Fire Dept.
National Safety Culture Change Initiative
National Traffic Incident Management
Natural Gas Safety
Opioid Overdose and Naloxone Administration
Partnering For Prevention
Passenger Train Emergency Response
People with Disabilities Awareness
Pet First Aid and CPR
Pipeline Emergencies - Awareness
POV Safety Operation
Preparing Workplaces for Covid-19
Preventing and Coping with Suicide in the Fire and Emergency Services
Propane Emergencies
Pyschological First Aid
Rad/Nuc Awareness
Railroad Emergency Response HazMat Awareness
Railroad Safety Awareness
Responding To Utility Emergencies Awareness
Responding To Violent Incidents
Safety Tops Our Priorities
Sexual Harassment Awareness
Skywarn Spotter
Solar PV Safety for Firefighters
Stop The Bleed
Stress First Aid for Fire and EMS Personnel
Stroke Awareness
Structural Collapse Awareness
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
Surface Ice Rescue - Awareness
Suspicious Activity Reporting Fire - EMS
Swift Water Rescue - Awareness
Taking Care of Our Own
Train The Recruiter
Transgender Issues Awareness
Understanding and Utilizing International Fire Code
Wildland Fire Assessment Program
WMD/T Awareness
Numerous DHS/FEMA, Red Cross, USFA/NFA Certifications
Numerous firematic seminars and workshops
About Me:
I am a Deputy Chief, now retired after 12 yrs, with the Assn. Aux - Vol Firefighters in West Lawrence, NY, serving on a volunteer fire disaster response team and a ceremonial unit. The AAVF having disbanded, in early 2021 and ceased operations due to staff shortage. It had existed for 31 years, proudly serving the community of West Lawrence in Far Rockaway. I was a 9/11 volunteer with NYC Transit. I have also volunteered, with the following organizations: American Red Cross Greater NY, NYC Animal Care Control, NYC CB 12 Community Emergency Response Team, and the NYC Medical Reserve Corps.
Day Job:
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
After volunteering at Ground Zero on the pile, I felt that I needed to do more to help out the next time another disaster occurs. I then became involved in disaster response as a volunteer with several organizations. In 2009, I joined the fire service. Though I am now retired, I am ever so grateful, that I was able to serve those in their time of need and give back to the community.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love being a part of the fire service, because it is truly a brotherhood, proud in tradition, and always there to serve.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Top issues that I feel are facing responders in the volunteer fire service are, recruitment and retention. Also the lack of funding for updated equipment, supplies and training is especially hard, on smaller departments.
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