My dept. is currently looking into a an I.D. card system in which every ff will have a picture I.D. identifying them as a firefighter for the dept. that they must carry on them at all times. The card could be used for a ff to identify themselves more easily as such when responding to a call via POV. The main purpose of the card however would be to act as a key to unlock the door to the station. As of now we have a keybad lock on our station doors that all ff's know the code to, it also has an actual key slot that all of our officers have a key to.

So... does anyone have these key cards/ I.D. badges? If so, how do they work, do you like them, etc???

If you dont have the cards of a keypad doorlock, how do you get into your station if you are the first one their responding to a call? Just curious

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Not on a department, but I've worked for facilities that have the ID badge as well as the keyfob entry, and I've liked them. The badges work amazingly well, and you can actually use them on scenes to keep track of who is in an active scene. Just have your guys give the IC or Safety Officer their badges before entering a building, then make sure they get them when they come out - great for mutual aid calls or long scene times. You can also set access with the entry badges so anyone who is not allowed entry to a certain location cannot use their badge for entry. We used the badges at my EMT training facility as well, and they are an active ambulance company. We had access to the front door and the library with our badges, and the crews had access to the garage, break facilities, and front door. It's a great idea. The keyfobs work in a similar way, but are much smaller and not identifying. They look like a hybrid of a vehicle keyfob and a keychain 'rewards-card'. If you get them wet, though, you're SOL and they are MUCH more expensive than the badges. Hope that helps!
This isn't just on the volly side, but we have ID's as well. They don't act as a key, but we do have them for ID purposes. We used to use them as our accountability tags, but have since switched to the passport system. Having ID couldn't hurt and may help especially if needing to get on a scene.

All our stations have a keypad that all FF's know the combo to.
We just have the lock and key at our station. Certified drivers are the only ones with keys and bay door remotes to get in the station though
Our county for years has had ID cards and then they added P.A.T. Tags for incident operations. We haven't had to wear ID cards on uniforms either career or volunteer but we can show our ID cards. Most county employees either have to wear or carry ID cards in county buildings.
The county is now using a ID card that clocks them in and out at work for most of the county operation except public safety. Its a log on computer thing now to cut down on paper.
We use a combination locks on the doors at all the fire stations but I would guess that the county will change over and have ID cards that will open station doors and record who they are and time and date.
Security is becoming important with all the bad things happening.
Security cameras will be next in all stations.
All members or employees have a picture ID badge with rank, medical cert, and expiration date, which must be worn on duty. When responding direct (mainly for the volunteers) the person must present it in order to be allowed on scene.

The stations and EMS supply, have an electronic lock utilizing an individual PIN number for entry. We can input the lock data into a laptop showing us date, time, and what employee/member accessed that area. It also shows attempted entry with incorrect PIN numbers. New members/employees can be added by adjusting the database and can be assigned specific stations or areas. Members/employees who leave the department can just as easily be removed.

Like a lot of departments, cameras are also being discussed.
we all have a key to the door of the station. plus we have a keypad doorlock on each of our stations. we changr the code about three to four times each year. if we ever quite we must turn in our key to the station. we do have I.D badges that we keep on our helmets and when we get in the truck we have a ring we put them on so our station officers can gave them to command if he needs them.
I"m not on a Vol FD, but at my Full time FD each member is issued a photo ID card and a door key to the "man" door on the side of the apparatus bays. At my part time FD, we use a key pad and every member is issued the code to get in.
We have ID cards that double as key fobs in our stations. They can control who has access to certain areas and can document who swiped in. Guys will go around and purposely swipe doors they know they cannot get into and dispatch gets alarms. Idle fireman can be very creative. We used to have both ID cards and key fobs, this seems to work well. You can leave it in your pocket and walk by some of the sensors to swipe them too.

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