  • Male
  • Hockley, TX
  • United States
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  • Lana Moore
  • Peggy Sweeney
  • Stephen G.Kelley
  • Laura McGaffey
  • Tyler R Donivan
  • Chris Moore
  • Paul Joseph Cummings
  • Roy Luther
  • Timothy J. Gaffney, Jr.
  • Medmike
  • Fireman Larry
  • Paul Combs - Fire Caroonist
  • Michael Meadows
  • Branden Hill
  • Rossi Paloma

Oldman's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Assistant or Deputy Chief
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Rosehill Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
almost 20 years
My Training:
Well, the word around here is... My Chief invented fire, and I invented water to put it out... just to piss him off
About Me:
I have two attitudes. If you don't like this one, I promise you won't like the other one!
Relationship Status:

A favorite quote


You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I'm going to get and beat you with until you understand who's in command here....

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Oldman's Blog

Texas Icon Dies

Posted on May 17, 2010 at 11:30am 0 Comments

Jack Colley, 62, who guided state preparations through disasters such as the space shuttle Columbia and the evacuation of millions of Texans during Hurricane Ike died Sunday following a heart attack. Jack worked as head of DPS' Division of Emergency Management for 12 years and was involved in the response and recovery of storms, disasters and emergencies.

Many, many Texas citizens owe their lives to Jack. Through lessons learned following Katrina and Rita, Jack was the authority when… Continue

The Missing Ingredient

Posted on April 19, 2010 at 8:35am 3 Comments

Montana Dispatcher Suspended for April Fool's Joke

Virginia EMS Investigates Alleged False Certifications

N. Las Vegas Captain Indicted on Arson

Two Tenn. volunteer firefighters charged with…

This was always my biggest nightmare

Posted on February 12, 2010 at 10:49am 2 Comments

Another tragedy is hitting too close to home for Station 8 of the Cy-Fair Volunteer Fire Department. Last year, one of its firefighters lost both legs in an accident. On Thursday, the daughter of the station's fire captain was killed in a crash the firefighters were sent to in northwest Harris County.


I don't believe that my children ever really… Continue

The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month

Posted on November 10, 2009 at 4:24pm 5 Comments

Armistice Day (also known as Remembrance Day) is on November 11 which commemorates the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front, between the Allies of World War I and Germany. The Armistice was signed in Rethondes, France at eleven o'clock in the morning on November 11, 1918. U.S. President Woodrow Wilson first proclaimed an Armistice Day for November 11, 1919. An Act (52 Stat. 351; 5 U. S. Code, Sec. 87a)passed by the US Congress in May 1938 proclaiming, "a day to be dedicated to the… Continue

It is all subject to intrepretation

Posted on August 18, 2009 at 4:16pm 3 Comments

With discussions about "Health Care Reform" taking place all over the web, with all the outcries at "hometown meetings", armed people walking around at functions attended by the President, is it any wonder that "We the people" are concerned?

I was am a believer in the Bill of Rights, I do not necessarily align myself with "civil liberties" groups and firms. But an email was forwarded to me with an interpretation of the health care plan supported by the President. As I read… Continue

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At 8:32pm on January 23, 2012, Paul Joseph Cummings said…

Thanks man! Really appreciate that!

At 1:00pm on August 16, 2011, Peter Lupkowski said…
I caught "My Knee Hurts Now" on Statter911 this morning. What a great summary of my life for the last 25 years of night shifts. Glad you posted it.
Stay Safe
At 1:50pm on May 4, 2011, Peter Lupkowski said…
Thanks for the comment. I expect as the years go by we grandfathers of fire and EMS will continue to share our years of knowledge. I just hope there are others there to receive it.
At 11:04pm on December 21, 2010, wampa said…
At 6:09pm on December 13, 2010, wampa said…
As You Wish master Yoda he he he regars from Chile
At 8:55pm on September 8, 2010, Laura McGaffey said…
Wow! Teamwork, air management, exercise, and MULTI-TASKING ! All while they think you've proven you're nuts. I definitely have to pass this idea on.

I love the music, BTW.
At 2:10pm on September 8, 2010, Laura McGaffey said…
The basketball P.T. fully suited up w/SCBAs looks like a great idea. I'll have to pass the idea on to the training officer (if we can find a basketball court).
At 2:08pm on September 8, 2010, Laura McGaffey said…
I was watching your photo slide show and started crying at the photos of the horse rescue. They showed in reverse chrono order and I thought it was a dead horse being interred. The sorta sad sounding music really added to yanking tears out of me. But, then I felt like such a fool when I opened all your photos and looked at captions and photo numbers.
At 2:04pm on September 8, 2010, Laura McGaffey said…
Hi Oldman,

Thanks for your post on my thread "Declaring Death". I can't stop giggling at that last line.

"Now I am not calling that Chief a primate, but..."

Since primates are the highest order of mammals and includes humans, apes and monkeys, that line tells me you aren't even willing to assume that we a chimp, much less a human, for a chief. How far down the animal family tree do you think lies?
At 7:23pm on August 10, 2010, Roy Luther said…
Thanks for adding me brother!!!!!!

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