Shareef Abdu Nur
  • Male
  • Cleveland, OH
  • United States
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Shareef Abdu Nur's Friends

  • Seif Nidhal Ul haq
  • Benbesher
  • Laura McGaffey
  • Justin Lewis
  • Daniel Luechtefeld
  • Al Williams
  • butch nussbaum
  • Davin Eshelman
  • Jack/dt
  • jeff nunziato
  • Chris Kemp
  • Mick Shelley
  • Muhammad
  • Sue Okenyi
  • Roy Walker

Shareef Abdu Nur's Page

Profile Information

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Paid Fire Department
Job Function
Firefighter/Driver Operator
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Fire Department USA
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
FF I,II, Paramedic, Fire Instructor, Fire Officer I,II
About Me:
Yes, I am muslim and if there is anyone here who would like to know about Muslims in the Fire service and the truth about Islam please feel free to ask me anything. I am sure Islam is not what you think it is or what you have heard that it is, so please take this opportunity to ask me absolutely anything. Thank you.
Day Job:
Full time Firefighter/Paramedic
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I became a FF because of a desire to help others and the opportunity to sacrifice much of myself for the betterment of humanity.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
It is a noble and honorable profession that one can be proud of.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
manpower, budgets, building construction, training, and a lack of public education

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At 1:19am on March 21, 2011, Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd said…
Happy New Year!
At 7:45pm on October 13, 2010, Laura McGaffey said…
Hi Shareef,
Sorry it's been so long since I've last been on the site.
I wasn't the one who brought in the rum balls, but I'm very relieved to read that the other programmer didn't inadvertently cause Hamid to do something against his faith.
I may have more questions in the future and appreciate having you out there willing to answer them.
Stay safe out there!
-- Laura
At 6:20pm on September 8, 2010, Laura McGaffey said…
Hi Shareef,

My day job is computer engineering. Fire service involvement has always been volunteer.

I have worked with many Muslims engineers but I'm not in contact with any right now. Moved away. So I appreciate the opportunity to ask you a few questions.

1. A fellow programmer once brought some home-made confections to work and passed them around. Our Muslim supervisor popped one in his mouth, smiled and said, "mmm, good What are they?" She said, "Rum balls." Hamid murmured "Rum?" with a horrified look on his face then ran from the room, spitting the goop into his hand. And I realized! I turned to the girl and said, "He's Muslim. They don't drink alcohol." Ever since then I've wondered - is the accidental ingestion of alcohol considered as big a "sin" as deliberately drinking?

2. What, if anything, does the Koran say about forcing non-Muslims to convert to Islam?

3. Does the Koran require Muslims to respect others practicing their religions?

4. What is dhimittude (sp?)?

5. When I was in college I met an Iranian Muslim in the computer lab (1974). He asked me out but I had work that night and when he asked I told him where I worked. So, he showed up at my job that night. Behind him, keeping about fifteen feet back and glaring daggers at me, was a girl who was dressed conservatively but not in any traditional looking dress. He didn't introduce me and when they left he just took off ignoring her. She followed him out while staying back several feet. Who the heck might she have been do you think? Sister, cousin, unrelated chaperone, wife # 1?

Thanks for being open to answering my questions.
At 3:35pm on August 25, 2010, Jack/dt said…
It shouldn't be a matter of being 'honored' but one of brotherhood.
Thanks, no worries and stay safe.
At 5:59pm on April 28, 2010, Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd said…

At 5:58pm on April 28, 2010, Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd said…

thought your profile page could use a little color... I took this photo last week in the Mojave desert here in SoCal. The poppy's (state flower" are taking off this year. Enjoy! CBz
At 11:30am on October 24, 2009, jeff nunziato said…
what fire department do you work for
At 11:29am on October 24, 2009, jeff nunziato said…
just ask me i will try to answer any question you may have
At 7:51am on July 20, 2009, ADAM M. KABIR said…
hi Shareef Abdu Nur i would be very glad if you can share your experience with us in west Africa.
At 9:59pm on July 3, 2009, Muhammad said…
Hello my brother I am from Syria I am fire officer in Aleppo Fire & Rescue Department I am graduated form military school land forces in 1996 .
utile now in Fire service.
Aleppo city has 2.000.000 population but as u know my country is growing so we have weakness in the (training , the number of firefighters,Arabic references ) so I spent 4 years to learn English and I translated allot of fire information and taught for my Aleppo firefighters.
I followed 2 courses in Egypt about HAZMAT , technical rope rescue in Malaysia, today is latest day in Japan I have just finished course about disaster risk reduction
I hope to study about fire in USA in future
sorry for my bad English
best regards

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