Do you consider it tacky or unprofessional to wear another department's t-shirts, etc. during leisure time? (ie., FDNY, Boston)

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We are not allowed to wear anything to work that is not issued, with the exception of unders and socks. lol
If we are wearing another department's shirt, we had better be off duty. Montreal wore Toronto shirts for a while as a sign of protest because they did not have a current contract and there wasn't one in sight.

I don't see the harm in it I suppose, if you're SOP's allow, but I also don't see the point. I have been known to wear another department's shirt while in my off time, but not my own. I wear station wear to the station and personal wear in personal time.
My Dept has one Duty T-shirt and a separate one that we sell to the public. A number of years ago someone gave one of out duty t-shirts to a local sprinkler contractor who asked for one. A few weeks later we got a call from a neighboring city FD wondering why one of our guys was at their city council meeting with our shirt on making a big scene about the fire service in that city. Needless to say THAT didn't go over too well.

I have worn other FD shirts off duty. Usually from Depts that are not in my local area. Any time I wear any fire shirt I'm very careful about doing something or going somewhere questionable or illegal. Whenever you wear an FD shirt, yours or any one elses, you're STILL representing the fire service as a whole and the public only sees what is written on the shirt.
I have to agree with you Brian...
If you are off-duty, ther is nothing wrong with it. I see it as a sign of respect. On duty paid or volly you need to be in department uniform. Thats my two cents.
When off duty, wear what you want be it another dept.'s shirt or a leatard, whatever blows your skirt up. when on duty follow the SOP's.

At our house you can wear a department issued shirt or a plain navy T, or one of the MDA shirts.

It's common for our guys to wear shirts from other departments. A lot of guys travel and pick them up, and we often make bets with other city departments when our sports teams play each other in big games. We wear their's, they wear our's. (I know there's a bunch of Chicago guys wearing Philly Fire Department shirts right now.) Pricks!
Westie, rest assured I am not wearing your Dept shirt. However, Ide be honored if I wore other Dept t-shirts.
It's somewhat ambiguous the way you phrased that, Chief. (But I think I know what you meant). If I'm ever out your way, I'll hook you up with one.
No negative intent, Westie. Thanks Bro.
may i ask how u think its tacky an unproffesional...lets just say that a firey from that department offers u that shirt to wear as a reminder etc...would you say no?
How is it NOT tacky? Most guys here won't even wear their shirt off duty. If you buy one from my fire house and then wear it around town making people think you're a fireman here when you're not is kind of weird. Why do you have to wear that shirt out of everything you own? Wear your own if you want, but not ours in our city. You didn't earn that shirt.
"Some of the Vol dept. in the area have there own tshirts, alot of the guys buy these. We wear them when we go out drinking." I love that!

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