Do you consider it tacky or unprofessional to wear another department's t-shirts, etc. during leisure time? (ie., FDNY, Boston)

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simply put, most dept T shirts worn on duty have titles on the back ie: Fire, rescue, EMT or Paramedic.

Off duty wear any dept shirt you want. All department T providers have shirts with just the F.D. Ident decal on the front with nothing on the back. I was surprised to see a CA license plate " 1 NYPD 1" Did The NYPD Chief move here?
As long as its not another deparment from your county....guys on the department frown on that!
I have several "other" dept shirts......a dept around here made up a shirt-only because they werent allowed to give/sell their duty shirts-(during the summer they have tourists coming back from the beach and would stop to see about a shirt (exchange/buy), so they made up a shirt to sell and the money goes to the training fund.-yes I did buy their shirt......I wear my shirts because I like them and it shows pride in being a fireman. My other shirts I found at thrift stores. Kinda hate when we get a call and I have "another" shirt on instead of my dept shirts...they can get ruined--above named shirt is interior qualified now...and has a couple of small marks on it but I still wear it
Paul i agree with you if you are doing it out of honor for our fallen brothers and sisters, or the respect of the big city depts who have had large tragdies in their depts, I see nothing wrong, and I think it shows the rest of our communities the family like ways of all firefighters, if you are wearing them for any others reasons I dont agree with it.
I have an FDNY "job sweater", I bought it from the FDNY museum when I was visiting as a tourist, long before I joined the local Fire Service.
I wear it to show my respect for the Firefighters who died in 9/11 (have an NYPD 9/11 badge pin on the sweater's lapel also) - and it's a really nice cozy warm sweater. It's close to the real thing... but not an exact replica.
I don't intentionally wear it to calls now. I might have it on by fluke in the winter if I happen to be wearing it when the pager goes off... but it will likely be entirely covered up by my bunker gear.

I don't wear t-shirts from any other departments and neither does anyone else in my volunteer department.

My department has it's own t-shirts and - so far - does not sell them to the public.
I have a LFB jacket that a Station Officer (or whatever the rank of "Captain" would be here) gave me in exchange for a shoulder patch I gave him as a way of saying "thanks for the tour" when I was on vacation there 8 years ago. I was shocked when he gave it to me and I treat it with a great deal of pride. I don't walk around wearing it or anything back here in Canada... I have it hung up and occasionally bring it out to show interested people who are genuinely impressed by it.
Not tacky leisure time. Extremely poor taste to wear anything but your own departments logo on duty or in the station, i've traded lots of shirts travelling, but none with FIRE RESCUE EMT OR anthing else on the back.
I don't think they should. The public does not know that the wearer is not a member of that particular service so what ever behaviour, particularly bad behaviour, is demonistrated by the wearer then it automatically reflects on the service owner of the 'T" shirt. We all know the "would be's if they could be's" who wear Fire T Shirts in the hope of impressing the girls, again I believe if your not a member of the particular Fire Service then the shirt should not be worn.
You guys have it better then us button down shirts during daywork polo/ t shirts during night work. But we can do t shirts during the day if its a code red day. Myself personaly I would never wear a shirt on or off duty of a dept that I do not belong too. I do not even were shirts from other companys in the city unless I am assigned there or have been assinged there. Having said that I used to be assingned to the big house in baltimore we had our own little shop and people would stop by every day and buy shirts hats..... When the expo came to town and we used to set up in the bay and sell more stuff. The only problem I would have is during the expo I would go out and see people wearing BCFD rescue 1, truck 2, or engine 23 shirts in the bars and these people that were doing this were not members. Now in Bmore we routinly go out after work for shift partys wearing our shirts but its a lil diffrent for some one to do it who is out of town and not a member.
I see nothing wrong with it, but as said before, remember that your actions will be known. Represent them well. Remember who you are.
I will only wear anything fire related off duty if I'm doing one of my video blogs...I also have people who have started to send me a shirt from their dept for me to wear during one of my's kinda cool! I will be doing them soon...just kind of a shout out to people who watch, but other than that I would never wear one off duty...I see too many guys wearing them just so that everyone is aware that they are a FF...and it drives me nuts! I saw one guy walking his dog (clearly off duty) and was wearing full PT gear from his dept..."DUDE NOBODY CARES THAT YOU ARE A FF"'s a great job and be proud...just mix in a Hurley shirt or something else once in a while...sorry about the soap box!
If you are officially "on duty" for your department you should be dressed in whatever your department prescribes for "on duty" personnel. If you are not "on duty" wear whatever you want. If you get called in, who cares what you are wearing as long as it decent and does not cause an embarasment to your department.

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