Do you consider it tacky or unprofessional to wear another department's t-shirts, etc. during leisure time? (ie., FDNY, Boston)

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im with the Q.F.R.S. here in queensland australia.and we have our own shirts to wear but we have also individual station shirts to....i also wear fire t-shirts from other stations around australia....we are all doing the same job and i think it is a good way to show our brothers an sisters we support them....thats just my partner has a 9/11 shirt and he only wears it on the anniversary of that day...sign of respect to the fallen
Tacky or unprofessional? No.

However, members who do wear them, need to be mindful that by wearing them, the public may think they're members of that FD. With that in mind, I would expect the same level of professionalism you would show while wearing your own FD shirt. (Hope that makes sense...)
No, I think its cool.
I wear my dad’s Department shirt all the time, but there is about 400 miles between us. I grow up knowing if I am wearing that shirt then I am representing them. I think it is a sign of respect for your fellow brothers and sisters.
Im a fire fighter in the London(UK). I think its a great thing wearing other departments t shirts as it shows the brotherhood is still strong. Swapping t shirts is not such a big thing here in the UK which i think is a shame. People have raised good points about people wearing them off duty and not sending the right image of firefighters but i think thats only the minority. If anyone is intrested in London Fire brigade T-shirts then mail me at Keep up the good work and keep wearing our shirts with pride, we do a job that we should be proud of.
Brian Mackie? Very well put. I agree completely!
My question to you is what if it's a department you were on at one point? To me I think it's respect because they helped you get where you are today.
I consider it tacky and unprofessional to wear the whacker fire t shirts.. "I fight what your fear" my ass...

I try and get an FD t shirt from the places I go on vacation.

If you are going to wear the shirt of the FD where you are vacationing or visiting.. that's tacky and unprofessional.
My fav. shirts are memorial type shirts from various depts. FDNY (911) had one with all the names on the back.. very cool.. I got two or three.. because I knew I would wear them lots... Yellowknife NWT - again, I got a couple and to support their fundraising efforts for the families of the fallen.
I have on occassion got some of the "I fight what you fear bla bla bla." types of shirts. as gifts.. lol I use those to change the oil on my truck and car, and to mop up the spilled oil. Would not be caught dead in one of those.
i have all kinds of fire department shirts i have never heard any one say anything bad about me wearing them
OK so how much is one gonna cost me? My son has two of the pink ones from the Bonita CA dept that support breast cancer research. Money well spent.

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