I'm curious what everyone's motivations are.Are you interested in general fitness,weight loss,maybe some atheletic endeavor?
I started lifting to get in shape and burn off some aggression about ten years ago.Then I got started in strongman and Highland Games competitions.
When I got involed in fire/ems, I found my training had alot of carryover effect in perfoming many tasks.

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I didn't know they had a first responder competition.
I am looking to work out more because i just took a major turn in my life and started going to school. I am no longer running a saw crew, going on search and rescues up 14000 ft peaks ,and my hiking days are numbered due to school classes etc. So in short, I am sitting on my butt a lot more, and I find it hurts to be so inactive. I have been riding my bike a lot, which helps, but I need more. Searching for ideas that i can stick to. I recently looked into joining a gym , but most of the classes they have are during my school classes. I keep starting to exercise on my own early in the morning and am feeling good, but then there is that morning when i just cant get outta bed cuz i was up til 1 am doing school work. Then it is a struggle to get back into the routine once its broken. My motivations are to maintain the level of fitness I was at, and to be in good shape to pass my red card pack test this coming spring. I dont want to hit spring and struggle to keep up with the crew, nor do I want to find myself not fitting in my gear due to the excess gain of adipose tissue! LOL
Just turned 40 and cant slide by on being young and muscle memory.
So staying alive on the fire ground when youre in the shite, have 3 soon to be 4 kids and want to see them all grow up.
That said...I have been an athlete in some form or fashion my entire life and that competitive fire still burns, so I race bicycles as I have since 1988. Played a little competitive 2's VB when I worked in P'cola, FL in the early 90's. And that was only becasue I broke my hip racing and had to stay off the bike for a year.
NOw it's mostly for work and kids, but have recently begun a youth cycling program in Corpus Christi, so my riding days are not over.
I started working out to get into shape. I had let myself get fat and lazy basically. I was in pain from head to toe, brushing my teeth or hair hurt, driving home from work hurt. I used to go to bed at the same time as my daughter because I hurt so much (she was 5, she went to bed at 7:30).
I joined the gym and everything changed. I had always been active, but I needed to take control. I lost some weight and then went on to train at a professional centre where they treated elite triathletes, NHL player, Olympic athletes, etc (friend of a friend owns the place... lol). I trained smarter and ate better and all of a sudden (years later), I was in great shape (I've put a couple of lbs back on, damn firehouse meals.. lol)!!

Now, I work out because it helps me at work... climbing 10 or 15 flights with that damn highrise bag is a lot easier if you are in shape. Climbing the ladder with a chainsaw and cutting holes in the siding is a lot easier if you're in shape... and working for hours without food and water is a lot easier if you're in shape... hahahaha! Also, it's cool when the guys at the gym watch me work out and say,
"Damn!" hahaha... I love to work hard, so it's more fun than work and now I'm working towards triathlons this spring/summer. Goals are a wonderful thing!!!
cool! Thanks for sharing! That is a real motivational story. I have been back in the swing of it recently, and it makes a huge difference. I am taking kickboxing which makes it a little more interesting and pilates and swimming. I am stiff from head to toe today, but my mind is clear and I am motivated. It's interesting how much it improves your attitude as well. My goal is to be in the navy seal bootcamp by next fall(the highest level of fitness classes offered at the gym) I dont want to be a gladiator, just want to be able to do my job comfortably and feel good in my body! Good luck to all!
I work out for two basic reasons. First, to generally stay fit for the job. I am a company officer and like to be able to work with the crew and not be a liability, even in my upper 40's. 2nd, I play quite a bit of volleyball and basketball, and don't want to have to give it up just yet. I am a thin guy, not real strong, so I am trying to stay lean but gain strength, not an easy chore for me. The worst part, is that right now I have a nagging elbow tendinitis problem to deal with. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.
This group is great, you motivate me! Mr Olympians, mountain hikers, sand v=ball (my favorite), elite training, high rise hikers, kick boxing, WOW! Stick with it people we are obviously not alone :)
Take care Bill, nice topic.
Oooh that bootcamp sounds amazing! Kickboxing is a great workout as well. I used to do it, but the repetitive movements are tough on my hips (I feel old saying that, but I have a little issue with the low back... if I'm good to it, it's good to me... haha)!

The funniest thing about me being able to train and be a firefighter is that I went through 5 doctors before I found one who didn't label me with fibromyalgia. lol... nice that they are so willing to toss a label on it that they would all misdiagnose me. Turns out I have some nerve damage thanks to old sports injuries... good thing I didn't listen to them or I would still be lying on the couch! hahahaha!!
I've worked out nearly my whole life. First it was powerlifting in high school, then always trying to go heavier while in college and then on the job. I was one of the smaller guys on the Dept. and I wanted to be able to pull my share of the load. After several bone spurs/shoulder injuries/surgery I cut back on barbell bench presses and did mostly dumb bell lifts. Always ran also, first 10 K's and worked my way up to marathons. Then came knee problems but not caused by running but an over growth of cartiledge and subsequently knee surgery. Then in-line skating. One fall with the splits when I just started and tore my left hamstring (lots of pretty purples and yellows). Came back too fast from that, altered my lifting form and started to herniate a disk. Lots of physical therapy. PT got me back to working out by concentrating on my core using Core Performance principals. Still can't run and really miss that. But, I get to the YMCA in Green Bay and do core work and aerobic machines (spinning class, eliptical, etc. I'm able to go pretty heavy yet with the dumb bell bench presses on a stability ball and one legged squats so I'm satisfied that I'm maintaining my strength because I am almost 49. Watch my diet much more closely now and that's paid off since I weigh the same as in high school after being 25 - 30 pounds heavier. My back feels great and my knees are good when I don't run.The only thing I can see limiting me in the near future are bone spurs in my other shoulder and in both big toes which hurt like a B**ch sometimes. Thank God for ice and ibuprofen!


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