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Healthy Eating Rules for the Firehouse

What do you need for survival?  I’m not talking about your phone, technology or a certain person; I mean what does your body need to survive?  If you said food you would be correct… the single most important thing you need to focus on at that point is what to eat.…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on March 28, 2013 at 7:33pm — No Comments

How Do Emergency Responders Cope with Addiction?


Added by Peggy Sweeney on March 27, 2013 at 1:14am — No Comments

It sneaks up on you.

Now compared to my father, my grandfather, and a good portion of the people on here I haven't been in the fire service very long. Five years officially this fall.SoI have been around just long enough to start forming opinions, and  whether they be right or not depends on who I agree or disagree with. When I joined I was 21 kept my mouth shut and trained and learned everything I could. All while taking over the family business which just made it even funner. Over the last five years I have…


Added by Matt Lacey on March 25, 2013 at 4:53pm — 3 Comments

“YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH” on Backstep Firefighter

"Quid est veritas?"




In this classic scene from ‘A Few Good Men’, Danny Kaffee is questioning Lt. Col Nathan Jessop about the use of a ‘Code Red’ that resulted in the death of a Marine. Colonel Jessop’s…


Added by Dave LeBlanc on March 23, 2013 at 8:24pm — 1 Comment


Video bites, Facebook morsels continually shape our education



As we look at the evolution of training in the fire service, we must realize that we are at a time like never before experienced. Today there is the availability of information at a moment’s notice. Fires occur and are on YouTube before the companies finish making up. There are…


Added by Dave LeBlanc on March 22, 2013 at 6:24pm — No Comments

Being a couple on the fire dept.

I don't know how many of you have a family member on the dept with you but my significant other, I got crap for calling her a spouse at this point but she is to me, and I are on the same dept. I have been for 13 yrs, she has been since November. It is so incredibly awesome to be able to do this together, to see her excitement, to watch her learn and go outside her comfort…


Added by Chris Tool on March 19, 2013 at 5:45am — 6 Comments

First Dedicated Truck.

So yesterday I stopped by a coffee shop owned by another retired Firefighter my buddy Eric. Eric I don’t think started off wanting to own a coffee shop, he just hated fire house coffee.

Firefighters for the most part are really cheap when it comes to pitching in on shared expenses at the station. So the cost of stuff like coffee, creamer, anything we deem a “staple” is split evenly across all firefighters.

Eric hated cheap coffee and cheap cigars so he began…


Added by Timothy O. Casey on March 14, 2013 at 12:45pm — 2 Comments

What One Important Thing?

If you could go back 5, 10, or 20 years in your fire service career, what's the one important thing you would tell yourself?

I believe the one thing that really counts is, "knowing that everyone is watching." Throughout our careers, beginning on day one, everyone is watching what…


Added by Billy Schmidt on March 1, 2013 at 8:23am — 2 Comments

Captain-LT for volunteer dept

We have a very small dept and we have chief, asst chief, treasurer and secretary.  Wondering about having Capt and a LT. Is there set requirements or what is the deal with those postitions? Can we have our own rules for who can have those positions?

Added by Chris Tool on February 27, 2013 at 8:18pm — 5 Comments

Dr. Kimberly Alyn Made The Fire Service Better

Sometimes the most important lessons we learn come to us from unique people who are not firefighters. The fire service is continuously searching for new knowledge, and we discover it from a variety of people coming from diverse backgrounds.

I just learned today that Dr. Kimberly Alyn recently passed away unexpectedly. Dr. Ayln played an intricate role in the education of the fire service. She didn’t teach tactics or fire behavior. She coached us on firefighter behavior. She talked…


Added by Billy Schmidt on February 14, 2013 at 1:20pm — No Comments

Protecting Lives on Backstep Firefighter

Protecting people’s lives will involve risk for us as firefighters


“A female occupant, in her 40’s, was unable to escape due to the intense heat and thick smoke and was quickly located by firefighters. She was removed out of the bedroom window and treated by paramedics on the scene.”…


Added by Dave LeBlanc on February 8, 2013 at 3:33pm — 1 Comment

new year update , so far

  Well , the year has been going smoothly so far . I have been in-and-out of theraputic range on my blood thinner . I am going to the Cardiologist every two weeks to get my finger stuck to check the coumadin level . The only good thing about these trips is going to be able to count the milage for tax time :)

   I am walking every day , and I'm not as short of breath as I once was befor the cardioversion and pacemaker was implanted in November 2012 .  I pick up cans along the road side…


Added by Al (olddogg) Westbrook on February 7, 2013 at 2:17pm — No Comments

Fire Outbreak At INEC Headquarters, NIGERIA

A firebreak that occurred Monday morning 07/01/13 around 11am, gutting an office in the Annex Building of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) headquarters in Abuja. That is the Office of Director of Voters Registration and ICT Department  of  Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Headquarters.

The timely response of rescue officers especially firefighters saved the fire from affecting other buildings within the premises. So far only the Office of the…


Added by MARTIN O.AGBILI on January 8, 2013 at 4:42am — No Comments

Challenge Workouts for the Firehouse

Happy 2013!  This is the time of the year where we all scramble to make up for lost workouts and pledge to get in shape.  Personally, I think the best way to get into shape is to not fall out of it in the first place.  One of the best things to do this time of the year is not only set goals but to assess where you are currently.  Today I've created some "challenge" workouts that you can use to assess your fitness progress and to get a good efficient workout.  There are…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on January 9, 2013 at 11:30am — 3 Comments

In Wilmington DE -- A Promise Fulfilled

by: Lou Angeli

WILMINGTON, DE (January 21, 2013) -- Nearly 4 years ago, the citizens of Wilmington, DE lost vital fire protection to a fancy sounding concept known as Rolling Bypass, the city's term for brownouts. Since 2009 one of three engines companies (the department operates six) has been closed for 24 hours leaving five engine companies to serve the city of 90,000 (daytime). Response times increased somewhat, especially in neighborhoods which are home to those…


Added by Lou Angeli on January 8, 2013 at 10:00pm — 1 Comment

Young firefighters benefited from Flashover Training.

 By: Lou Angeli
Townsend, DE, January 4, 2013 --  Was it luck or training that saved the lives of 2 firefighters working a well involved structure in Townsend, DE this past Friday? Photos and eye-witnesses reveal…

Added by Lou Angeli on January 7, 2013 at 3:47pm — No Comments

Obligations on Backstep Firefighter


“As first responders to fires, public safety and medical emergencies, disasters and terrorist acts, FDNY protects the lives and property of New York City residents and visitors. “

Los Angeles Fire Department…


Added by Dave LeBlanc on January 6, 2013 at 6:21pm — No Comments

Progressive Drills

This past Fall we were doing a Survival class and one of the drills we do is the “following the coupling” drill. It is one of the most basic of drills and is well known throughout the fire service. We have posted on this drill before on using a cut piece of hose to hand to your firefighters and have them tell you which way would be back to the truck.

We get comment about how basic this drill this and some like to try and shrug it off. Well, as we all know, we must master the basics.…


Added by Jason Hoevelmann on December 28, 2012 at 9:49pm — No Comments

End of the year update

 Well first , Merry Christmas to all of my FFN friends , and a Happy New Year wish for all of us .

   Earlier this year ,  I  developed Atrial Fib Again an was not able to have cardioversion back into NSR due to a blood cot n my right Atria . I was  put on a higher dose of Coumadin , and encouraged to increase my level of physical activity . I continued to walk daily , but it became more and more difficult due to worsening  Shortness of Breath  with any exertion .



Added by Al (olddogg) Westbrook on December 13, 2012 at 11:00am — No Comments

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