I don't know how many of you have a family member on the dept with you but my significant other, I got crap for calling her a spouse at this point but she is to me, and I are on the same dept. I have been for 13 yrs, she has been since November. It is so incredibly awesome to be able to do this together, to see her excitement, to watch her learn and go outside her comfort zone. It has renewed my enthusiasm about doing this. She is secretary for our dept and she is running with that as well. It is hard to describe the joy and excitement this gives me to be able to do this together and see the newness it holds for her, as I remember those days. The pride I have in the way she doing this and wanting to learn feels great, to have your true best friend, your S.O., be able to do something like this together is the best. It will take your pride of doing this to a whole other level. I am very proud of you and the fact that I am with you!!!!(Teresa Jones) 

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Comment by Chris Tool on April 5, 2013 at 5:40am

It is great for sure, it is kinda weird cuz we have done everything together and I mean everything, the other night I had a EMS meeting and the boys had an appointment the same night that we didn't realize so she went one way I went the other. It was weird that she wasn't there, weird but awesome at the same time. With us both on the dept we haven't done anything apart except work, it is the greatest!!!

Comment by Robert Blair on April 4, 2013 at 2:49pm

Me and my girlfriend met by being on mutual aid departments in our county 2 years ago and have been together since then. With us both sharing the same passion for the fire/emergency services it forms an easy bond and understanding of what eachother do. There is nothing better than doing what you love with the one you love. also with our county being all volunteer, the time devoted to the department is alot easier when their are devoted with you.

Comment by Norm Tindell on March 30, 2013 at 8:25am

Same experience here. I jokingly tell the guys she's here to keep an eye on me - make sure I stay safe. All joking aside, the mutual participation does take it to a higher level. As a result volunteering becomes a richer experience for both. Stay safe and enjoy!

Comment by candise davis on March 21, 2013 at 5:20pm

me and my fh are on the same fire dist too and i wouldnt beable to do it with out him there teaching me every sec of the day i never planed on being a firefighter but now that i am i wouldnt change it for any thing i love doing it and helping people 

Comment by Ron King (Fire Chief) on March 20, 2013 at 10:02pm

I agree very nice. And yes being a couple on the Fire Department does work!

Comment by Derek J Sinesi on March 20, 2013 at 7:53pm

Very nice!

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