Happy 2013!  This is the time of the year where we all scramble to make up for lost workouts and pledge to get in shape.  Personally, I think the best way to get into shape is to not fall out of it in the first place.  One of the best things to do this time of the year is not only set goals but to assess where you are currently.  Today I've created some "challenge" workouts that you can use to assess your fitness progress and to get a good efficient workout.  There are two separate challenges, if you are very ambitious you can try them both during the same session or perform them on two consecutive days.

Total Body Challenge Workout
Here is a great assessment and workout to challenge your entire body.  The goal is to perform as many reps as possible of each exercise in 2 minutes.  Rest 1 minute between exercises.  You must perform these exercises in order.  Count each rep, add up your total reps and that's your score.  Try to repeat the workout and improve the number of reps every couple of weeks.
1.  Push ups  
3.  Cot Squats   
4.  Medicine Ball Slams* or sledges against a tire 
         *(use a 10 or 12 pound medicine ball)
The 4-mile Cardiovascular Challenge Workout

Here is a great way to challenge and assess your level of cardiovascular conditioning.  I like to call it the 4-mile challenge because you travel a total of 4 miles, how long and how you get there is up to you.

Here is how you do it, depending on your level of fitness you run and bike for a total of 4 miles.  If your pretty conditioned you should run 2 miles as fast as possible then bike 2 miles as fast as possible.  If you aren't as conditioned you can run 1 mile then bike 3 miles.  The idea is to record your total time and try to improve on it from week to week.
Give them a try!

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Comment by Capt./Chaplain Mike Petrosky on January 30, 2013 at 3:26pm

Alright, thanks for the ideas !  right now I'm going through one of the "Battle of the Trainers" bootcamps at the gym that I belong to.  I covers everything from cardio, strength, endurance, etc., etc.  Just started in Aug. 2012 and am down 31 #'s as of yesterday, so, I'm doing ok and never thought that I'd enjoy going to the gym !  Stay safe Brothers !  Get Fit !1


Comment by Cory crispell on January 18, 2013 at 4:21pm
Awesome workout finally something to get my other members to try and dedicate to,to make our fitness better and decrease injury
Comment by Jeremy Radawiec on January 17, 2013 at 1:36am

Awesome! Thanks, I'll be joining the Fitness Nation. This is the first year I didn't miss any workout days over the holidays and I made a good effort at not over indulging on Christmas goodies. It keeps the new year from feeling like it's 'start over' time.

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