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Please be in prayer for Capt. Eric Trexler, he is a 16 year Veteran

Please be in prayer for Capt. Eric Trexler, he is a 16 year Veteran with Port Huron Township Fire Dept. He was been diagnosed with Leukemia 3 weeks ago and is undergoing treatment. Due to Eric being off work for 2 months prior for a shoulder injury he no longer has an income. The department is doing fund raisers for him at this time. (see attached)  Please Prayer for healing and financial support.. Please pass this on to your fire department personal.

I thank you in…


Added by Steve Riehl on August 7, 2014 at 7:15pm — No Comments

Firefighter On-shift Interval Workout

I get a lot of emails asking for good workout options for the firehouse when on-shift.  

Working out on-shift is a major concern, you want to make sure you keep your body in good "fit for duty" condition but also want to make sure you have enough "left in the tank" to respond and perform in an actual response.  Over the last couple of years I have…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on August 4, 2014 at 11:12pm — No Comments

You Need To Get Out Of EMS

Someone said this to me the other day. Again, a few days later, the same thing was said with slightly different verbiage, but the message was the same.

I'm not cut out for EMS. I'm not the right "caliber" of person to do this job. I get "wonky" after bad calls. I'm not the one for the job.

Wait a second? Then what was up with that baby in 2009 who stopped breathing? Why was I able to walk into that house, take that small, precious child into my arms and without…


Added by Glena Suiter on August 3, 2014 at 8:54pm — 2 Comments

Music Festival Scenario

This is something that my fire department has to deal with every year and we do have a plan for response to the festival but I am curious how other people would respond to it.

Shambhala Music Festival is about 10 minutes outside of the Village of Salmo but response can be up to a half an hour depending on traffic. The route is paved highway up to the turn off to the music festival then it is a dirt road for about 5 km (about 3 miles), about half of the road is only single…


Added by Bryan Phillips on August 3, 2014 at 3:52pm — No Comments

past chief blanco

past chief john blanco pasted away 7-25-14 he was 87 ,served over 50years on the dept.,rest in peace john!!!!

Added by Robert stone on July 26, 2014 at 10:52pm — No Comments

How Does the World Keep Turning?

In the EMS and Fire Service, we see things that would ruin anyone else's week. Sometimes we don't see things because God doesn't put us on every scene that our brothers and sisters are on, and sometimes those calls are just as bad as the calls we do replay in our minds. Listening to the familiar voices on the radio at the scene of an especially bad MVA. Hearing the requests for additional resources. Hearing the request for the coroner, knowing that your brothers and sisters are dealing with…


Added by Glena Suiter on July 26, 2014 at 1:51am — 1 Comment

The Ladies Auxiliary of North Patchogue Fire Department Presents;

Next month, August 2, 2014 A fundraiser featuring MaryAnn The Medium.

Doors open at 6;00. Show starts at 7:00. $30 per person.

For tickets please call 631-475-1788 ext: 523. Tickets will be sold at the door also. There will also be a 50/50.

This show is for mature audience 18 yrs or older please.

For additional information you can visit our page here or the link below.

For more information MaryAnn The Mediums… Continue

Added by Northpatchoguefd on July 23, 2014 at 12:07am — No Comments

Fit Firefighters Daily Checkoffs...

Be Physically Ready for Duty- Your Daily Fitness Checkoffs.

At the beginning of each and every shift firefighters, EMTs and medic meticulously go through and check their gear (or at least they should be) to make sure that it is ready for the challenges of the day. Our equipment must be functioning properly and our rigs must be fueled and ready to go. The question that I also want you to think about is whether or not your…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on July 17, 2014 at 11:42pm — No Comments

Philadelphia's loss can be a gain

 There is no better example of a society's failure to protect its members than a fire that could have been prevented. This tragic loss in Philadelphia is such an example.  While the community attacks the fire department, so many other issues are not realized, most importantly the opportunity for changes supporting prevention is lost.

The stage for this fire and the opportunity to prevent it from happening was set long before that early morning of July 5th.

 While finding a…


Added by Jim Guy on July 11, 2014 at 9:30pm — No Comments

The Ultimate Firefighter Tribute Workout

Today I want to give you a taste of the type of workouts that you will find in the Ultimate Fire Athlete Workout and it comes with great timing and a lot of significance... The National Fallen Firefighters Foundation provides resources and funding (via grants and donations) towards remembering our fallen and protecting our current firefighters.  This "tribute"…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on July 3, 2014 at 1:30pm — No Comments

Win $20,000 Firehouse Recipe Contest/July 5 deadline!

Firefighters, SteakUmm is hosting a Firehouse Cooking Contest, awarding $20K to the winning recipe and donating facebook favorite up to $5000 to National Fallen Firefighters Foundation. JULY 5 Deadline. Go to or to get rules for entry. Three top recipes/firefighters will appear on The Steve Harvey Show in…


Added by Joseph T Bonanno on July 2, 2014 at 8:22am — No Comments

EMS: A Verb.


To me it’s a verb. It’s the action. It’s providing comfort to someone on the scariest day or night of their life. It’s the want, the drive, the need to be present in someone’s emergency. It’s the insane desire to make things okay for someone else. And if you can’t make things okay, make them as close to okay as you can.


It’s a look. Your patient who has laid in bed for 3 days with no one realizing they haven’t been going out or doing their usual tasks. The look in…


Added by Glena Suiter on June 27, 2014 at 1:54pm — No Comments

Are You Weird? Me too.

To work in EMS, you must possess the following qualities:


1. Must be willing to leave your family at the dinner table in the middle of a meal to go and save someone else’s family.

2. Must not be squeamish around blood, saliva, snot, urine, and use your imagination to fill in this gap with any other bodily fluid that might come flying in your direction.

3. Must have the understanding that not every call you go on is going to result in everyone leaving the scene…


Added by Glena Suiter on June 27, 2014 at 1:30pm — No Comments

I am taking OSH 390  in college and and I have to write a report on "If you are cooking in the fire house and get burned, is it covered under your state WC Act?  Does anyone where can I find info abo…

I am taking OSH 390  in college and and I have to write a report on "If you are cooking in the fire house and get burned, is it covered under your state WC Act?  Does anyone where can I find info about Kentucky?


Added by Becky Hartley on June 26, 2014 at 5:07am — No Comments

Thug attacks firefighter at PBFD board meeting

Excerpt with permission from pipenozzle dot com: 

Video recordings of public meetings are legal under Connecticut open meetings statutes. The Groton Town Council records its meetings and places the video online for the public. The PBFD board does not record its  meetings, but prefers to hide behind euphemistic agendas and cryptic meeting minutes. Firefighter Bryan Quilter has, since Ackley took office a year ago, performed a valuable and courageous public service (in…


Added by Barry Greer on June 21, 2014 at 5:52pm — No Comments

Firefighter Saves Friend from Burning House

Last Saturday morning just after 7 AM, Youngsville North Carolina firefighter Terry Perry was pulling up to his friend's house on Waiters Way in Youngsville, bringing him a bit of breakfast. Terry was just doing a nice thing for his friend Ransom Bennett who lives there. But it turns out he was about to trade in a nice gesture into saving the life of his friend.…


Added by Wake Forest News - Steve Rhode on June 21, 2014 at 4:27pm — No Comments

The future of the fire service

Where is the fire service heading? What is our mission? Who will lead the industry? These questions - and many more - are at the forefront of the fire service as we move forward. I can only guess what the future holds based on past trends, and the one thing that is truly certain is that there will be immense change in our profession. 9/11 changed the fire service. So has the rise of natural disasters, mass shootings, chemical weapons attacks, and other threats. But our…


Added by David Cain on June 18, 2014 at 11:30am — 2 Comments

One of the Top 10 "Best Exercises" for Firefighters, EMTs and Medics

I am compiling a list of the top 10 exercises for Fire Rescue Athletes.  Here is one that made the list.

Plank (s)—It's no surprise that the one of the exercises on this list is a core exercise.…


Added by Aaron Zamzow on June 10, 2014 at 11:59am — No Comments

Firehouse Cooking Contest...$20K prize and appear on Steve Harvey Show

Attention Firehouse Cooks! Great contest, winning recipe gets $20K for firehouse or charity and appear on The Steve Harvey Show, hurry, contest closes July 5, 2014, SteakUmm is sponsoring, go to  look on home page for National Firehouse Challenge. Thanks, Joe

Added by Joseph T Bonanno on June 7, 2014 at 10:59am — No Comments

Taking care of ourselves

I have always felt that if I take care of myself first, I am better able to help others.  If I am successful at my career or my life in general, I can share this with other young people who are trying to find their way in life.  It is not easy but success is possible when you have a plan and have self discipline.  In the fire service, mentoring programs can really benefit the new, the old and the department.  As always, take care of yourself physically, mentally, and emotionally.  The job…


Added by David Cain on June 3, 2014 at 11:23am — No Comments

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