Glena Suiter
  • Female
  • La Crosse, WI
  • United States
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Glena Suiter's Friends

  • Timothy John Dodson
  • Ron King (Fire Chief)
  • Jim Roebuck
  • Juan Loya, Jr.
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp

Glena Suiter's Page

Profile Information

What State do you live in?
Type of Organization
Volunteer Fire Department
Job Function
Training Officer/Training Chief/Instructor, First Repsonder, Other, Chaplain
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Town of Campbell Fire and Rescue
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
EMS instructor 1, CPR instructor, training officer, EMS division, EVOC. I'm an aspiring Fire Chaplain. I haven't been certified or taken the course yet, but helping the patients and their families with pastoral care has always interested me and is something that I sometimes step out of the medical role to help with on calls that are particularly stressful on the families involved.
About Me:
I love helping people whenever I can. I have loved ems ever since I was a little girl listening to my uncle Dave and my dad talk about their experiences. My dad was a firefighter for the department I work on and my uncle was a Stoddard/Bergen firefighter/emt/haz mat tech until he passed away in 2003. I have two kids who are my whole world. My son is already driven towards emergency services at the age of 4 and often wants to accompany me and my husband (also a firefighter and emr.) on calls. If I can help even one person get through a medical emergency and make the whole thing just a little but more okay than when I arrived, I can clear the call feeling good. We see people at their worst and we have to bring our best to those situations!
When I have free time (which isn't all that often) I love to knit and read. I'm also an avid yoga student and find a lot of peace through that practice as well as spending time with my church family. We belong to an amazing congregation and their support to all members in our church is incredible. I don't think I would be able to do much of what I do without that.
Day Job:
Child care provider/24-7-365 mom
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
To follow in my dad and my uncles footsteps. To gain knowledge that would allow me to help people in situations no matter where I am. I'm an adrenaline junkie and I love the feeling I get responding to a call and knowing that someone's life could be saved by my actions.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I just love it. The smell of the bay where the firetrucks are. The sound of sirens. The chance to make a difference. All that together makes it incredible.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
In my opinion mental health of our responders is a huge issue. We are caretakers and forget to take care of ourselves at times. We see things that people don't ordinarily see. We hear things that break our hearts. We feel the loss when a life can't be saved and we relive those moments forever. Utilize CIDs. If you are feeling like it's too much, reach out.

Glena Suiter's Blog

You Need To Get Out Of EMS

Posted on August 3, 2014 at 8:54pm 2 Comments

Someone said this to me the other day. Again, a few days later, the same thing was said with slightly different verbiage, but the message was the same.

I'm not cut out for EMS. I'm not the right "caliber" of person to do this job. I get "wonky" after bad calls. I'm not the one for the job.

Wait a second? Then what was up with that baby in 2009 who stopped breathing? Why was I able to walk into that house, take that small, precious child into my arms and without…


How Does the World Keep Turning?

Posted on July 26, 2014 at 1:51am 1 Comment

In the EMS and Fire Service, we see things that would ruin anyone else's week. Sometimes we don't see things because God doesn't put us on every scene that our brothers and sisters are on, and sometimes those calls are just as bad as the calls we do replay in our minds. Listening to the familiar voices on the radio at the scene of an especially bad MVA. Hearing the requests for additional resources. Hearing the request for the coroner, knowing that your brothers and sisters are dealing with…


EMS: A Verb.

Posted on June 27, 2014 at 1:54pm 0 Comments


To me it’s a verb. It’s the action. It’s providing comfort to someone on the scariest day or night of their life. It’s the want, the drive, the need to be present in someone’s emergency. It’s the insane desire to make things okay for someone else. And if you can’t make things okay, make them as close to okay as you can.


It’s a look. Your patient who has laid in bed for 3 days with no one realizing they haven’t been going out or doing their usual tasks. The look in…


Are You Weird? Me too.

Posted on June 27, 2014 at 1:30pm 0 Comments

To work in EMS, you must possess the following qualities:


1. Must be willing to leave your family at the dinner table in the middle of a meal to go and save someone else’s family.

2. Must not be squeamish around blood, saliva, snot, urine, and use your imagination to fill in this gap with any other bodily fluid that might come flying in your direction.

3. Must have the understanding that not every call you go on is going to result in everyone leaving the scene…


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At 8:39pm on August 10, 2014, Ron King (Fire Chief) said…

Glena thank you so much for the add. Stay Safe!

At 2:41pm on June 29, 2014, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…

Welcome to Firefighter Nation Glena. I'm glad you joined the group. There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all.

Chief William Sharp- Retired

Brookings Fire / Rescue

Living in Alaska


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