Chris C.
  • 35, Male
  • Beaver Falls
  • United States
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Chris C.'s Blog

There are 2 types of firefighters in this world, REAL firefighters and OUT-STANDING firefighters.

Posted on April 26, 2008 at 2:39am 7 Comments

There are 2 types of firefighters in this world, REAL firefighters and OUT-STANDING firefighters.

REAL firefighters show up to help out at the scene

OUT-STANDING firefighters show up and are OUT STANDING AROUND while the REAL firefighters do all the work

REAL firefighters do the job because they care about the community and love the job

OUT-STANDING firefighters do the job because they think the chicks… Continue

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Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
all my life
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Beaver Falls FIRE DEPT. PA
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
My Training:
Fireground Ventilation, Engine Company Operation-"First Due-No Clue", Battle Ready Firefighters, NIIMS-IS0100, Structure Burn, Essentials, Basic RIT, Firefighter Survival, Advanced RIT, FF1,
About Me:
This is a newspaper article about me when I was 18.

Injured driver was helped from vehicle just moments before train crushed car

By J.D. Prose, Times Staff
Published: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 9:49 PM EDT

BEAVER FALLS — A West Mayfield man whose car landed upside down on railroad tracks in Beaver Falls was helped from the wreckage by an off-duty city firefighter Tuesday, just moments before a train destroyed the vehicle.

Beaver Falls Fire Chief Mark Stowe said the unidentified driver told authorities that he fell asleep around 7 p.m. while heading west in the 800 block of 37th Street in Beaver Falls.

The man’s car crossed the center line, struck a pickup leaving a Marathon Oil gas station, went down an embankment and rolled onto its roof on the railroad tracks, Stowe said.

City firefighter Chris Callahan happened to be at the gas station and rushed to assist the driver, who was already crawling from his car. A few minutes later, Stowe said, a Norfolk Southern train came along and smashed into the car, pushing it at least 1,000 feet.

“There wasn’t a whole lot left of the vehicle,” Stowe said.

Stowe said the driver was conscious at the scene, but he was later flown to UPMC Presbyterian in Pittsburgh for head injuries.

The car’s wreckage was pulled from beneath the train shortly after 10 p.m. Tuesday.
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My dad is in the fire service, when I was younger I use to go with him to the Firehouse & Fire calls ....Its in my Blood...
Why I Love Fire/EMS
I get to do every thing my parents told me not to do in a house & get told Thank You

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At 9:58pm on August 4, 2011, Davi de Souza said…
Hello friend firefighter, firefighter and I am also a collector of helmet and patch.
I have a helmet to return, you have an interest in change.
Or know someone to change.
Please let me know if you know
Please let me know if you know (look at the album), please send photo to my email
Davi de Souza
At 10:22am on September 7, 2010, Alex, Ossendorf said…
Black would be perfect so i can use it on the job.
most helmets have 53-60 cm that is standard sice for a lager or smaller sice u have to pay more. but i gues the standard will fit u it also fits me and have big head!
can u measure in cm?? i would give u my sice in cm too!!
At 5:15am on September 2, 2010, Alex, Ossendorf said…
Hey but the bunker gear would be good when they are in dark collor
At 5:14am on September 2, 2010, Alex, Ossendorf said…
Hey Chris, I will wait on the price and than i tell u if i need perhaps also a bunker coat if thatbis ok with you.
And no problem on your helmets and ofcourse the cafe`!!
and i like the pic that u send me!!

I keep u informed about the status on ur order!!
At 5:06pm on August 31, 2010, Alex, Ossendorf said…
Do u want the msa Gallet F1 or F2 helmet
At 3:05am on August 30, 2010, Alex, Ossendorf said…
Hey chris, no problem. how about one set of bunker pants.
the gallet with clear or golden protection glass? and what kind of nek protection?

be save bro
At 12:41pm on May 27, 2010, Alex, Ossendorf said…
What up Chris??
Long time no see Bro!
At 11:22am on April 9, 2010, Foley&son said…
great music
At 10:38am on April 9, 2010, DALE G. PEKEL said…
Hello Chris,

Thanks for the invite - Nice page and photos brother.

Best Regards,
Dale G. Pekel
At 1:29pm on February 1, 2010, Alex, Ossendorf said…
Hey Bro what up??
In germany is all good. just sick and tired of that fuckin snow. And iam having fun driving the ambulance most of the time.
How things goin with u??

Be safe
At 8:41am on July 3, 2009, Greg Jakubowski said…

Thanks for your comments on RIT. I am familiar with several of the drills you mention, but would be happy to see anything you have and are willing to share. I was in Beaver Falls at EMA about 8 years ago to run a Train-the-Trainer on a hazmat ops class, but I realize you are too young to have attended!

Greg -
At 11:06pm on March 3, 2009, Southern Chick said…
hey thanks for the add! hope you are doing good! lol! i read your why you want to be a fire fighter and that is pretty funny actually! i tell my mom that all the time! except now i tell "yeh well you told me not to play with guns either but look at me now...." hee hee! lol! well take care and be safe!

Much Love,
At 6:31am on March 3, 2009, Alex, Ossendorf said…
Hey bro, I dont know my size in US i just know the EU size that would be 58/60. i try find out. is the size in a army uniform the same??

stay low bro
At 4:30pm on February 21, 2009, R Griffin said…
Hi Chris BE SAFE!!! from Glenmoor
At 3:36pm on February 12, 2009, Doug said…
Love Flogging Molly
At 10:53pm on February 10, 2009, Doug said…
Woohoo, Flogging Molly!
At 8:30pm on February 1, 2009, Ray Evans Jr said…
Hey me and your Dad was talking today, I'm going to Kelly's and buying you a present.
At 5:15am on February 1, 2009, Alex, Ossendorf said…
OK Bro.
my one is: Alexander Ossendorf
Adenauerstrasse 39
53842 Troisdorf / Germany
At 4:41am on January 28, 2009, Alex, Ossendorf said…
Hey Bro, thanks for the request. stay save
At 8:11pm on January 23, 2009, Ray Evans Jr said…
There's to much bull involve any more we're here to provide a service and to protect life and property, but some bring the bull and games into it. That's not what I want to be involved with. I used to be proud of what I do and what I've learned, anymore I'm not so sure.

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