Davi de Souza
  • Male
  • Santa Catarina
  • Brazil
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Davi de Souza's Friends

  • Wójtowicz Sławomir
  • Andrew
  • david nencioni
  • Paolo Sarboraria
  • Márcio Teixeira
  • David Elson
  • Krzysztof "Gruby" Czerwinski
  • Denis Sebentsov
  • Iztok Vutkovic-Ico
  • Tim Bird
  • Xisco Mut Mir
  • Stijn Annaert
  • Andrian Tzolan
  • Clyde R Chapman
  • Ted

Welcome, Davi de Souza!

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Military/Federal Response Agency
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
since 2004
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Primary Fire/EMS Departmen
Years With Department/Agency
6 Years
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Why I Joined Fire/EMS
mine three brothers are fireman, I could not be different.
Contact at bmdavi@gmail.com

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At 2:41pm on September 24, 2011, Rob Lambert said…

I am a paramedic from New York and would like to swap patches.  Let me know if interested.  Thanks.



At 4:52am on September 14, 2011, david nencioni said…

Hi Davi would you like swap patches? If interested


At 11:14am on August 31, 2011, Rob Lambert said…
I am a Paramedic from Shirley, New York, and would like to trade patches with you. Let me know by e-mail at rk1516@msn.com. Thanks, take care and be safe.

Rob Lambert
At 10:33pm on August 1, 2011, Al (olddogg) Westbrook said…
Ola Colega Bombeiro ! Davi , your wonderful shirt and ballcap arrived while I was Volunteering as the camp Paramedico at Boy Scout camp .That is why I am so late in letting you know the package arrived .I am so proud to have them both .Thank you so much .Stay Safe Brother ,Al .
At 2:36am on July 8, 2011, Andrew said…
trade patches

Good day! I am a collector from Ukraine. I suggest you to exchange patches.

Andrew. tkachenko_van@optima.com.ua
At 6:45am on July 6, 2011, Andrew said…
trade patches.

Good day! I am a collector from Ukraine. I suggest you to exchange patches.
Andrew. tkachenko_van@optima.com.uа
At 6:55pm on June 7, 2011, Kent said…
Hey Davi,

I am interested in trading patches with you. I would like to do a 2 for 2 trade. Send me an email at kentheg@yahoo.com if you are interested. Thanks
At 10:08am on May 9, 2011, Wagner Baptista said…
Olá Davi,

Enviei um e-mail pra vc..

At 9:43pm on May 2, 2011, Wagner Baptista said…
Olá Davi, sou Bombeiro do Estado do Paraná. Também coleciono Brasões de Bombeiros de todo o mundo. Estou montando um quadro com Brasões de Corpo de Bombeiros do Brasil. Ainda não possuo o do CBM SC. Gostaria de saber se você estaria interessado em trocar pelo do Paraná.

Wagner (2º Sgt BM)
At 12:22am on November 4, 2010, David Elson said…
Davi, Still interested in trading fire patches? You have two different ones from your dept? I'll trade for those. Are the patches new and unused? Please let me know. Send the patches, along with your address so I can send two down to you, to me at:
Dave Elson
Unit 205
200 Silver Lake Dr.
Venice, FL 34292-4541
Stay safe and thanks, Dave
At 7:02am on September 21, 2010, Gabriele said…
Hello, I am Gabriele, who is a fireman Italian, are interested in sharing. I have some Patch and other states. Contact me if you want, I do not speak good English though. Thanks
At 9:03pm on August 10, 2010, Al (olddogg) Westbrook said…
Davi , I am so glad to hear from you that you recieved the shirt and extra patch I sent you . Sorry for the long wait , I look forward to geting a patch from you . Stay safe Brother . Al
At 7:24pm on July 15, 2010, Ted said…
I got your patches today Davi... thank you very much...
take care...
At 4:31pm on July 2, 2010, sal said…
hi davi, just got your message. would like to exchange patches with you. please contact me at fremontfour@yahoo.com. thanks....sal
At 6:20pm on May 10, 2010, Tim said…
Hey Davi,

Yes I did a week or so ago..Im sending off 2 LOFD patches to you! If I get something different Ill send something else off to you as well. Look for them in the mail..Stay safe my friend..

At 5:15pm on April 22, 2010, Xisco Mut Mir said…
Hola, estoy bastante interesado en ntercambiar contigo. Mi email es: xiscomangueras@hotmail.com
Mandame foto de los parches de Brasil que tienes y yo te mandaré los que tengo repetidos para intercmabio.
At 2:30am on April 11, 2010, Iztok Vutkovic-Ico said…
Very good Davi, I look forward to

At 4:17pm on April 7, 2010, Daniel Robert Garvin said…
Hi Davi,

I wanted to let you know that I received your patches. Thank you for the trade!! Stay safe brother!!!
At 5:40am on April 6, 2010, Leo Cartwright said…
Davi; please remind me what patches were again, what they looked like? My mind has been ealse where laterly and I am just getting into the swing of things again. U stay safe my friend.
Cheers Leo
At 4:20pm on March 29, 2010, Iztok Vutkovic-Ico said…
Ok, I send my patches too

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