
The Rehab Area

This is a group for rehab’ers to share information and ideas...anything and everything you would ever want to know about how to rehab our guys and gals.

If you are a firefighter...what do YOU want from a rehab team??

Members: 39
Latest Activity: Dec 27, 2016

Inflatable Rehab Tent

CrewBoss Fire Rehab Kits Demonstration

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Written standards....

Started by ladyrehab18 Aug 15, 2010. 0 Replies

What kinds foods or snacks do you have?

Started by Chris C.. Last reply by Jeff Ahring Nov 7, 2013. 3 Replies

What do you use for shelter?

Started by Chris C.. Last reply by Ryan James Johnsrud Jul 7, 2010. 1 Reply

What this group is about.....

Started by ladyrehab18 Mar 7, 2009. 0 Replies

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Comment by sacramento fire buffs on July 27, 2010 at 3:18pm
IF anyone in the sacramento ca aera want to help out i am looking for some more members that want to join the sac fire buff rehab unit please let me know we could use some more help
thanks and stay safe
Comment by Terry B. Cox on July 14, 2010 at 7:34am
Hello - About MESS - Chief of Operations Terry Cox -MESS (Metropolitan Emergency Support Service), Inc. 501(C) 3 and State Tax Exampt,18 yrs service- We cover 2000 sq. miles of North Eastern Illionis. That includes 59 Fire Stations and 99 Police Departments.We have 89 members that respond with auto aid on Box Alarms. Five trucks are housed in fire stations, each has a crew and covers an assined area and mutual aid to each other. 80 + Calls this yr. including 3 train crashes, two air craft crashes, three gas tanker roll overs, several swat call outs. and regular structures fires. All volunteers no one gets paid. operates on donations from fire, Police. Industry and individuls.In addition we have porto- pottys and three worming/ Cooling buses at our disposial. We carry 12x12 tents, 4 folding chairs and 5- 5gal buckets,(chairs if needed), We can call for blow up building 12X16. in addition to supplies to feed up to 200 people from each truck.we are surrounded by other rehab agencys and provid aid to them as well. We help at fire station open houses, and all special teams call outs. All members are members of the International Fire Buffs Asso. (IBFA) More info on request.
Comment by Patricia Kleier on July 13, 2010 at 11:06am
Water bottles on the trucks, that used to be us. I think the idea of a dedicated rehab team came up after a big fire. Several people showed interest and it grew from there. A lot of thought went into determining the logistics; criteria for team members, insurance, radio training and required driver training for department vehicles.

It has taken years, we accumulated our gear a few items at a time. One of our first purchases was shelter. We have easy up tents. They are compact to store, easy to transport and set up. They offer shelter from rain or sun. With the propane heater running and 3 side flaps down, it is warm inside. We bought our tents on sale at the end of the summer.
Comment by Bekks on July 12, 2010 at 11:32pm
I am in a small volunteer dept... so far... rehab for us is a case of 24 water bottles stashed somewhere on each truck. Or if a probie has their POV on scene, drive into town with orders for gatoraid flavours. I will like to see this expanded to an actual rehab program... time (and money) will tell....
Comment by Patricia Kleier on July 8, 2010 at 10:56am
Thanks Ryan. We had a really good turn out for our 4th of July events.
We have one new rehab team member.
Comment by Ryan James Johnsrud on July 7, 2010 at 7:28pm
Patricia, I think anytime you can get your people together to work as a team and provide a service/have a presence in your community it is a good thing. No need to be skiddish!
Comment by Ryan James Johnsrud on July 7, 2010 at 7:24pm
We are a small town volunteer department just developing our Rehab service. The Ambulance is a seperate entity (through the hospital), but we work with them closely and many of our firefighters also volunteer on the Ambulance. McKenzie County Ambulance is dedicated to providing Rehab services to the Watford City Fire Department. The gear is stored at the Fire Hall (also Ambulance Shed) and they load up when they are requested.

Our basic critieria for Rehab dispatch is any incident expected to last over an hour (structural/wildland/MVA), any Haz Mat incident, or any time the temperature is above 90 F or the windchill is below 10 F.
Comment by Patricia Kleier on July 2, 2010 at 10:59am
Just happened to see this at work (hence the company logo). I am a member of Edgewood Fire EMS Rehab Team. Our equipment is stored at the department and transported as needed. The IC determines if we will be needed and has the tones dropped a second time to call the rehab team. When called we assist the squad crew in addition to providing shelter, heat, cool and water. Unfortunately, or fortunately, we do not have many fires. We try to stay busy as a team with other activities. For instance before Edgewood's 5K race, parade, etc. begin we will be serving breakfast. I know, I know, but it serves a purpose. Most of our team members have spouses, family in the fire service and we would be at the station anyway. This way we start off the day together with a meal that wasn't passed out of a little window.
Comment by ladyrehab18 on August 26, 2009 at 11:13pm
Now that we have a few members let's get some information flowing...

Does your department have a dedicated rehab team?? If do you rehab your members at calls??

Does your rehab team respond to all calls, just structural/wildfire calls, only calls lasting more that an hour, haz mat incidences etc.

Please feel free to add anything and everything .....
Comment by Kevin Worden 1 on March 24, 2009 at 2:21am
stopping in to say HI, be safe.

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