Mike France


The Off Duty Group

What do you in in your Down Time , when you are not Fighting Fires or handling EMS.

Members: 112
Latest Activity: Nov 11, 2013

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

Spring break

Started by Firefighter Mar 10, 2012. 0 Replies

Do any of you guys have any big plans for spring break?Continue

New years eve

Started by Firefighter Jan 2, 2012. 0 Replies

What did you guys do for new years eve? Continue

Any Firearms Enthusiests In This Group?

Started by Matthew Madairy. Last reply by Matthew Madairy Dec 2, 2010. 4 Replies

I like to shoot firearms. Rifles, shotgns, and handguns. Anyone else a fan of things that go BOOM?Continue

Smoky Mountain Enthusiasts/Lovers

Started by Tom Williams. Last reply by Patti Walz Nov 4, 2010. 27 Replies

Sitting here at my cubicle on this cool brisk day here in the lovely Bluegrass State thinking about my recent trip and photo excursion, which btw was way too short, down to the Great Smoky…Continue

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Comment by Victor Pikari on June 8, 2011 at 5:19pm
Kia Ora everyone, Ilove getting away from all the volunary woork I do as a FF and Search & Rescue. I foucs on my two loving kids aged 10yrs...thats right they are twins and are the love of my life. As a sol dad, my life is very much intwinded with both my kids, from getting up, getting breakfast, getting ready for work and school, not to mention making lunches, cleaning, washiong, shopping....when will it stop :)...I am not looking forward to the experience stopping with my kids, it is them who have turn my life around and all the things we do together is so precious, we enjoy the now.........
Comment by Willie Bermingham on October 26, 2010 at 12:07pm
On my downtime I have a wife and four little girls at home so I go and do demolition jobs with my family business. They range from a couple of days to a few weeks in duration. The extra money is needed and the stress relief is great! Its the way to a long lasting marriage (dont be at home!!!).
Comment by George A. Laiacona III on October 25, 2010 at 8:05pm
Had the day off. But, instead of mowing the lawn and raking leaves, I spent most of the day with my granddaughter.

Comment by Oldman on October 21, 2010 at 2:07pm
Wow Brian, I guess with everything on your plate, you probably stay "stuffed". ;p
Comment by Brian Campbell on October 21, 2010 at 10:39am
Well when Im not working for the city Iam a Chief of a volunteer fire dept. that takes up alot of time.I like to do taxidermy and I just filed for my federal firearms lic. and plan on opening a taxidermy,hunting,fishing and camping store.
Comment by Craig Dobson on October 20, 2010 at 5:44am
I make kitset models and hang out with my kids and am a part time soldier ( reserve soldier ) in the NZ Army when i am not on duty.
Comment by Wade Seely on October 18, 2010 at 11:56am
Thanks for the Invite.

Lets see off duty,well im a volunteer right now so I'm kind of on call all of the time. I work as a surgical laser tech 50+ hrs a week. I love to spend time with my wife and our two munchkins. We do a lot of hiking and spending time outdoors, hunting, fishing, grilling, 4x4ing, and anything else we can think of. I am a shooting instructor for the 4-H and love spending time teaching youth how to shoot all sorts of different firearms and bows. Oh and sometimes I even sleep a little.

Comment by John L. VanAuken on October 15, 2010 at 10:23pm
I am 24/7 on call, someday hope to be able to work in a full time station, with shifts. Right now I live on a ranch so not a lot of off duty time, but the time I do get I like to ride my motorcycle and horse. As well as just spending time with family and friends. I also enjoy hunting, fishing, and anything outdoors, when get down time to enjoy life a little.
Comment by Bill Carlisle on October 12, 2010 at 9:04am
Spending time with family, honey do list , fishing , fishing , hunting. did i mention fishing lol
Comment by David Francis on October 11, 2010 at 2:42am
spending time w/ my kido's an wife. my youngest son just joined cub scouts so i'm excited for him and the things we are going to get to do. the oldest, teenage girl, well she hibornates in her rm, and my lil girl the 5 yr old she just a daddy's girl.

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