  • Female
  • New Kensington, PA
  • United States
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Holly's Friends

  • Patrick Bock
  • Robert Edmondson
  • Tommy Lewis
  • Cam Michael
  • Rick K.
  • Jim  Ladewig
  • Tammy
  • Kayli Borell
  • Dave Galka
  • chuck
  • adel
  • Rom919
  • angie the fire/resqmom

Holly's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Frazer 2 VFD
Years With Department/Agency
My Training:
EVOC, Essentials, Varies structure burns. Tanker operations. Truck operations 1 and 2. Aerial Operations. EMT-B.
About Me:
I'm a mom and a firefighter. Unpaid and loving every minute of both.
Day Job:
Nursing Assistant
Relationship Status:
In a Relationship
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Im pretty much an adrenaline junkie. The oppurtunity to help someone just makes it that much more perfect.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Proper training throughout ones entire career as a first responder. There is always something to learn and something to teach.
A firefighter's life is one big surprise,
usually he laughs,
sometimes he cries.
There's always stress,toil, and strife,
hoping he's good enough to save just one life
His family understands when he misses dinner.
If he runs out of church,
don't think he's a sinner.
Answering a call is tops on his list,
regretting everyone he's ever missed.
He tries and tries,
but can't make us see,
the happiest men,
still work for free.
Jumping from bed,
fighting the cold,
knowing what to do without being told.
He rushes to the station,
jumps on the truck,
depending on skill,
never on luck.
Putting his life on the line for an unknown friend,
hoping and praying it won't be the end.
"The Bravest Men In The World" the title is fitting,
they all do their best,
never come close to quitting.
Author Unknown

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Comment Wall (4 comments)

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At 1:50am on August 6, 2010, Holly said…
Chief- We have that here in Pa too but I didn't realize it was law until I got some feedback from my post. Big thanks to you and everyone else here at FFN.
At 2:05pm on June 27, 2010, LIMA CHARLY said…
Welcome aboard. keeps all your adrenaline into the appropriate levels. HUGS LIMA CHARLY
At 10:31am on January 20, 2010, adel said…
At 2:01am on January 6, 2010, angie the fire/resqmom said…
Thank you so very much. I hope you and your's have a wonderful new year. stay safe

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