David Francis
  • Male
  • Jacksonville, NC
  • United States
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  • Roy Luther
  • Baily , Seaman E-3
  • Edmund Ford Power 3rd
  • Firewriter
  • Just Plain Craig Moyer

David Francis's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
29 palms fire dept, 10 yrs ago
My Training:
haz-mat awarness and ops. ppe, dept. orintation and safety,vmr rescue ops & victim management, still in school.
Day Job:
security officer
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
it's in the blood and family. it's something i wanted to do since i was little and going with my dad to the station. i got away from it but thanks to my dad, who saw something in me and the love i once had for it, asked me to go back. he saw the passion i had for it, and i have never looked back. it's the best job in the world.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
helping my community, helping the kids learn. being able to pass on the teachings to the next generation that fallows.
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David Francis's Blog

fun memories.... what was your favorite firefighter tv show or movie growing up.

Posted on September 3, 2010 at 11:31am 0 Comments

As a kid i remember the tv show code red, and i have looked for it at Barns an knoble bookstore, can't find it. found some clips on you tube but they are so bad it's hard to watch them. funny quote from back draft. Run damn you. Good movie too, but i like Ladder 49 better. We need more movies and shows about us, theres plenty of cop shows out there and Rescue me is over for the season. just curious on everyones out look on this fun facts

The lexington ky, firefighter who was caught w/ child porn.... your thoughts.

Posted on August 31, 2010 at 3:47pm 5 Comments

My thoughts are this, anyone who looks or down loads child porn is a chester "child molester" in my book. I have 4 kids, a 16 yr old daughter, an11 yr ols boy, a 7 yr old boy and a 5 yr old pumkin girl. From what i read in the artical was that the things downloaded was 12 and under w/ adults, and i got real sick to my stomach reading this news artical, all i could think was my little girl being forced to do things and cry and ask for her daddy to save her. I tell you all this i would go to… Continue

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At 12:42am on October 6, 2010, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
David, apparently you feel you live in a vacuum and can write what ever you choose on a social website. Bro, a little advise! Many young ladds have made comments on this site about superior officers and have ended up in worse problems because someone has read what was written and passed those comments on to those involved. Bro, if you have issues with your leadership you need to deal with it with them and within your own Department. This is the worse place for you to come in hanging out your dirty laundry. Good luck Bro.
At 5:27pm on September 6, 2010, Edmund Ford Power 3rd said…
Hi David, my wife writes for me because I just can't type, read, and wright. If you look at my profile I have been a firefighter for 21 years now.

Thank you! Be safe.
At 7:46pm on September 3, 2010, Edmund Ford Power 3rd said…
Hey David, What's up? I already put you on my friends list and looking forward to talking with you. My wife is typing for me because I can't type.

Be safe.
At 11:39am on August 11, 2010, Firewriter said…
Hi David, thanks for the friend request. Look forward to seeing you in the groups and forums. Stay safe.
At 12:50pm on August 9, 2010, Firewriter said…
Welcome to FFN!
At 10:31am on August 3, 2010, Roy Luther said…
Thanks for adding me David!!!!!! It great meeting you!!!!!!!
At 7:38pm on August 2, 2010, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
David, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Have fun and look around.

Chief William Sharp
Brookings, Oregon

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