William Bills
  • Male
  • Westfield, NY
  • United States
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  • Rachel
  • Jessica J Joiner
  • sasha
  • Márcio Teixeira
  • Matthew Voges
  • Justin Scott
  • Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp
  • Leo Cartwright
  • Paul Montpetit

William Bills's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Fire Deaprtment of Westfield
Years With Department/Agency
Day Job:
Teacher - At risk youth
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William Bills's Blog

Need your help - Rescue Boats

Posted on August 25, 2010 at 9:30am 0 Comments

My department operates in a distrtict that is located along the shores of Lake Erie, in New York State. Curently we operate a small rescue boat that has proven to be not large enough for the increase in calls we have been getting for distressed boaters and swimmers as well as missing swimmers. The shoreline consists mostly of high cliffs, with occassional beach/cove areas along a 42 mile span that is considered within our water response area. We work closely with the Coast Guard, but we are…


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At 4:21pm on February 21, 2011, Rachel said…
At 12:25pm on February 17, 2011, Firewriter said…
Now, you need to get your happy butt over to the BRC and play with the Chief's crew! We make EVERYONE feel better! LOL!!
At 12:09pm on February 17, 2011, Firewriter said…
Ya think?!? LOL!!

Bet you HAVE been having some fun with that. Mine was large enough, but healed quickly once on meds and dietary changes made. So, with that said, WB; DO WHAT THE DOCTOR SAYS!! That's an order, mister! LOL!
At 10:51am on February 17, 2011, Firewriter said…
Checking in to see how test went. Hope all is well! Stay safe!
At 12:13pm on August 26, 2010, Paul Montpetit said…
Bill....You could contact either Lisbon Fire Department in Lisbon NY or Waddington Fire Department again in NY....I know that's where Lisbon got theirs...I believe Waddington did the same but may be mistaken....
At 3:45pm on July 20, 2010, Márcio Teixeira said…
Hi William,
thank you for the explanation, i forgot to mention that we also have hard suction hoses. We use the largest hoses (70mm) to supply from a hydrant or a truck with water, and we also use in the ladders. The medium hoses (45mm) we can use to supply or to attack line, and we use the smallest hose (25mm) in some fires, but the 25mm hose has a good thing, easy to transport, and to pull. the others hoses semi rigid, 25mm and 32 are pre - connect
One more time, thank you for your explanation
At 7:52am on July 5, 2010, Leo Cartwright said…
Hi there William; I would like to Welcome you to FFN & hope U enjoy this site and gather as many friends as I have during your stay. I’m Leo, a Paramedic from Victoria - Australia; if you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends. If I have not added you as a friend, it’s because I have reached my Max and I am waiting for members to reply to me.
If you feel like sending me one of your Service patch … don’t be shy…. I am looking for Police, Medical, Ambulance, S&R; Dispatcher & Fire Service patches. If U are interested, or U know of someone in that collects please contact me. My address is:- Leo J. Cartwright 246 Kay Street; TRARALGON; VICTORIA 3844; AUSTRALIA
Cheers Leo
At 12:33am on June 26, 2010, Fireyladd - Retired Chief Sharp said…
William, Welcome to the Firefighter Nation. I am glad you joined the group.There is lots to do, read and be involved with. Your participation and involvement is important to us all. Have fun and look around.

Chief William Sharp
Brookings, Oregon

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