John Bierling
  • Male
  • Pittsboro, NC
  • United States
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John Bierling's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Combination Fire Rescue Department
Job Function
Fire Chief / Chief of Department
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
West Manchester Twp FD
Years With Department/Agency
Web Site:
About Me:
Fire Chief (retired) John J. Bierling has been in the fire service for more than 46 years. His career began in New York State in 1965 as a volunteer in Middletown, NY and in 1992 John retired as the Deputy Chief of Operations of the City of Newburgh Fire Department. In 2000, after eight years as the Chief of the West Manchester Township Fire & Emergency Service in York Pennsylvania, he decided to turn his attention to teaching. John has a Bachelor’s degree from John Jay College of Criminal Justice in New York City and has been actively teaching emergency responders for more than 36 years. Presently, Chief Bierling is the CEO of The Incident Management Team (IMT), a consulting company that teaches incident management and facilitates the OurTown Diorama Incident Command Training Programs throughout the nation. John and his wife Jan travel together, planning and presenting programs to emergency responders, health departments, hospitals, airports, private industry, and local government. He can be reached at and the company web site is
Day Job:
Business Owner
Relationship Status:
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Why I Love Fire/EMS
I love being with emergency responders (they're good folks).
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Health and Safety - I am on a mission to help responders improve their overall wellness. When we are healthy; physically, emotionally, and financially, then we can focus our attention and energy on helping the community.

The Opportunity

At 64 I have found The Opportunity and I am sharing it with everyone. Part one is the opportunity for real physical wellness. A healthy body will serve us better for a long, exciting, and prosperous life. The household products in our homes that we inhale, ingest, and absorb everyday are actually killing us! I have found the products that are toxin free, more effective, and often less expensive than the grocery store brands. This is for everyone. If you desire to achieve the best of good health - please contact me immediately.

Part Two is the opportunity for true financial wellness. If you want your own business, if you could benefit from some additional income, most important: If you can grasp the thrilling idea of how residual income can positively change your life and provide lifelong financial good health - please email with your contact information.Thank you, John Bierling

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Comment Wall (76 comments)

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At 11:40pm on December 3, 2012, William Billson said…

I would like to trade you my dept patch for yours. I am also looking for hazmat patches.

At 10:40pm on February 25, 2012, thomas michael peek said…

thanks john i dont know if my last one posted os im reposting

At 4:17pm on February 21, 2012, John Conrad said…

HJi John, Thanks for the friend request. Isee you are originaly from this area.

At 10:28pm on February 20, 2012, Don Primus said…

Thanks for adding as a friend.If you are ever in Lynchburg, Tn. stop by and visit.

At 12:34am on December 22, 2011, Robin Peter E. Gutmann, Ed.D said…
  • John, I love your city. Have we met, possibly at the NFA?

  • Robin Gutmann
At 8:16pm on October 22, 2011, Nick Barber said…
Thanks for the invite John, maybe you no my father Bob Barber
At 9:18am on October 19, 2011, Ron King (Fire Chief) said…
Thanks John for the add. I hope all is well with you. Take care.
At 8:04am on October 17, 2011, Mary Anne Jones said…
Good Morning, Chief,
Thank you for the welcome message and I look forward to learning lots!
At 5:30pm on October 16, 2011, Alvin Gonzalez said…

Hi John, Thank you for the invite and also for your years of service. Wow, forty six + years! I guess you can really say, been there and done that? IMT, now is the way to go and is recognized throughout the country. Take care!


At 2:01pm on January 1, 2011, Dani Waters said…
Hi John. You are my first friend on FirefighterNation. I took a couple of classes at NFA. That is where I met my husband, Chris Waters. Did you know him? He was the Haz Mat chair at NFA.

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