Decorated Firefighters or EMS!!!


Decorated Firefighters or EMS!!!

A place for Firefighteror EMS that has been awarded a medal, badge or bar.Join and show your pictures and tell your story!!!

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Latest Activity: May 21, 2017

Firefighter Forum, Rescue & EMS Discussion

Come join my group

Started by Richard Armstrong. Last reply by Nyssa Aker Mar 6, 2011. 1 Reply

I want to extend an invitation out to everyone to come join my group "decorated firefighters and EMS". A place to come share yor stories and pictures of a moment in your life that sticks with you.

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Comment by Alvin Gonzalez on May 21, 2017 at 1:43am
Highly recommended website for department commendation or service bars, which offers custom bars for purchase without a minimum order size.
Comment by Richard Armstrong on March 6, 2011 at 10:24am
The picture is my medal I was awrded and I have some of the other pictures on my profile if you want to take a look at them
Comment by Richard Armstrong on March 6, 2011 at 10:19am
Al thanks for joining my group and sharing your story.I will share mine.
It was an early morning fire on a very,very cold January day and the pager went off saying that there was a fire in one of the stores on our main street,Which right away is a bad thing cause like most downtowns all the buildings are ajoined and each one has apartments above them and considering the day and time chances are therecould be people at home in these apartments so this could turn out real bad in a hurry.
We get there and I suited up and grabbed my partner and the cheif tells us that we have to go upstairs cause bystanders believe that Bob the occupent above the store that is on fire is home.
The store is a textiles ad seamstress store and the flames had already breached the front window and was pretty much fully involved on the first floor.My partner and I headed up the staircase that led to the upstairs and it was steep and narrow and you couldn't see your hand in front of your mask the smoke was so black from the burning textiles.
We got to the top and located the door which was locked so we booted that in and we were just getting down on our hands and knees to start entry.About two feet inside the door my partner puts his hand ontop of an arm and he hollared I found somebody.I radioed down to IC and told them we found a victim and we were coming down.
The trip down the stairs took forever it seemed because my buddy was walking backwards dragging he guy and he was leaning on me cause it was so steep and dark.When we got to the bottom we were met by some FF's and EMS guys and hey started CPR.We went back up and when we came back out we were old that he was alive now but in critical condition.They had revived him on the street and ya know at the time of all the adreniline and confusion I didn't even realize what we had done until after things were settled down everyone kept coming up to us and saying you saved Bobs life and then it sunk in.
By no means should I have recieved a medal for this because we were only two guys and that's what we do and a fire scene is made up of several of your fellow FF's which kept the fire at bay while we were up there and the EMS that revived him at the bottom of the stairs and doctors at the hospital.We just did the first part.But I remember to this day the overwelming feeling of hapiness that I was able to pull a man from a building and be part of saving his life for him to be able to live to see the next day.I will never forget it I picture it like it just happened yesterday.
We went to Queen's Park in Toronto for our ceremony.It was quite the experience and met alot of people.I will never forget this moment in my life.
Comment by Al Mozingo on March 5, 2011 at 10:54pm
There is nothing more important than "Saving a Life."

I was given the opportunity like many of you out there to save a life.

I will paraphrase the "Livesaving" award that I received along with a couple of comments of my own:

In the morning hours of March 9, 1991 Corrections Deputy Robert Jausen, had chest pains. Paramedics were called - I was the Captain who responded on Fire Engine Six to the call. The patient passed out and subsequently his heart stopped. We were able to bring Deputy Jausen back - our efforts and expertise were recognized by the County of San Diego Sherriff's Department in a ceremony with my family in attendance.

An Additional Note: I have been blessed with three sons - I am not sure if this ceremony had anything to do with what they have done with their lives, but it could have helped them in their decision making.

Here is part of their story: One son in the military, one a Firefighter for several years, and the last one a Police Officer. All of us have been service oriented with our occupations.

The story continues as life does:

Now I have five grandchildren. Life is wonderful!

I am still helping within the Emergency Service arena into my retirement years. I work part-time for agenices who training our nations First Responders in the Homeland Security arena and I continue to teach my favorite subject "Leadership Training." Recently my focus in leadership training has been ethical considerations and character development.

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