Confined Space Entry & Rescue


Confined Space Entry & Rescue

To discuss tactics, equipment, training and legislation for confined space entry and rescue

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Vehicles As Anchors

Started by lutan1. Last reply by lutan1 Jun 1, 2011. 44 Replies

Confined Space Rescue Video

Started by lutan1. Last reply by Mike "Lapo" Lapotasky Apr 5, 2011. 7 Replies

Gas Monitor Training - Critical or Not?

Started by john holtan. Last reply by john holtan Dec 17, 2010. 2 Replies

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Comment by lutan1 on March 9, 2015 at 4:56pm

There's a new discussion forum for Technical Rescue- check it out at Resqteam Forums

Comment by Shawn on July 13, 2011 at 1:30pm
For those of you living in or around York County in the state of Pennsylvania, the York County Hazardous Materials Response team is desperately in need of new members.

The team is going through a dire crisis directly related to manpower shortages and may have to disband if it cannot increase it's ranks.

In 2004, the team had 54 members while today it only has 20 members. The team requires at least 10 members per call.

The team is entirely made up of volunteers.

York County HAZMAT is a highly trained and equiped team under the command of the County of York Department of Emergency Services.

If the team's ranks continue to drop in number, the team will be disbanded and a HAZMAT team from a neighboring county will be tasked with handling HAZMAT incidents in York County.

Of course, waiting for a HAZMAT team from another county could allow a toxic substances to spread and endanger property, the environment and lives.

If you live in the area and want to be apart of a HAZMAT team, here is your opportunity.

Those with questions about joining or wanting to offer assistance are encouraged to call Tom Graybill at (717)840-2913.

The following are helpful links to the team's home page and a news article on the situation:

*York County HMRT:

*CBS News 21 - York Co. hazmat team needs volunteers:
Comment by Dave Andrews on March 19, 2011 at 8:16pm
I agree with lutan1, the space we had to fill are about 4'x9' by 1700 feets long!!!

But my consern was realy about the fire fighting in confine space, we all know that the word Confine space are use for a multiple type of space. and some time just a 4 ' basement can be a C.S and a lot of people just dont take care ond other will not enter for a bread n butter call!!
Comment by lutan1 on March 15, 2011 at 7:21pm
There is probably no reason to enter to "fight" the fire anyway. Flood the space with an inert gas (Nitrogen, CO2, Argon, others) and let it go out. Then letit cool, ventilate with fresh air, and then the owner of the space can do a new "Permit-required entry" to assess the damage and figure out what has to be done to effect repairs.

Charles, in principle I agree with you, however, what if it's not a vessel or something that allows you to do that?

I've worked in a confined space that was 3500 cubic metres in size (internally)- try flood that with nitrogen or other product!!! A big task.
Comment by Charles Dusha on March 15, 2011 at 1:36pm
There is probably no reason to enter to "fight" the fire anyway. Flood the space with an inert gas (Nitrogen, CO2, Argon, others) and let it go out. Then letit cool, ventilate with fresh air, and then the owner of the space can do a new "Permit-required entry" to assess the damage and figure out what has to be done to effect repairs.

Sounds like the initial problem was with the HOt Work Permitting and Fire Watch, which should have been part of the initial entry assessment.
Comment by Dave Andrews on March 15, 2011 at 12:45pm
You right John, i'll try the best i can!!

the fire was cause by welding work on steam line( for heating ). the line was on an under ground tunnel( aprox 1500 ft long). The insulation (cork and mineral) are on fire. The workers told us that no hazard material are on the tunnel but 2 cylinder of argon (for weilding flox). I was the officer for the second team on attack.the first cylinder was fond near the opening, After 5 min we found the second cylinder near the fire bed!! i was to short on my hose line to cold de cylinder and a steel beam on ceiling threatened to fall....i order to retreat. after that, without hi expantion foam took a dam long time to finish the job ( we recive the call at 2:30 and quit at 4 in the morning!
Comment by john holtan on March 15, 2011 at 10:36am
Hello Dave, I think it might be good to describe a specific event that took place to put the answer into context a bit. My main question would be what was the cause of the fire? What classification of fuel started the fire in the confined space. This may get the discussion headed in the right direction.
Comment by Dave Andrews on March 15, 2011 at 10:28am
i'm in the confined space rescue team and we have to face "another" aspect af the C.S.

All the techniques we build are for a rescue in the C.S but what's if a fire in the C.S ?

we control all the hasard the best we can and enter the C.S for a fight!! Since it the talk of the town a my department !!!

i'd like to read what's you think about a firefighting in C.S

(the department sold (yes sold) the last hi exp foam device )
Comment by john holtan on December 17, 2010 at 12:03pm
The Gas Monitor Simulator App (Gas Sim Version 1.3) was launched yesterday on the iTunes App Store. Update now and contact John for a free demo code to try it out. It's free, what's stopping you?
Do you have an iPad, iPhone or iPod touch? Download the app and try it out.

Contact me at or
Comment by Steve Strong on December 16, 2010 at 8:58am
looking for new training ideas. Glad to be part of the group

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