jared m snyder
  • Male
  • moab, utah
  • United States
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  • Rita Jo Studdard
  • Rachel
  • Mariah Leavitt
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  • shallon pinkerton
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  • Lou Sclafani
  • Denise Brundage
  • daniel
  • Tom Griego
  • Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd
  • Jacob Peck
  • dillon bolt

jared m snyder's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Moab Valley Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
0... probie...
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Bureau of Land Management Canyon Country District, Saratoga Springs, Ut. Fire Department, United States Coast Guard, Aromas Tri-County Fire Department(CALFIRE), San Juan Bautista Ca Fire Department
My Training:
FFI FFII Structure, EMT, FFII Wildland , FFI Wildland, Hazmat Ops
Utah Fire Rescue Academy (Provo, Ut)
California Basic Firefighter's Academy (Hollister, Ca)
About Me:
I'm 34 years old, and I live in Moab, Utah. I am currently a probie firefighter with the Moab Valley Fire Department, altghough I began my fire career back in 1996 with the San Juan Bautista Tri County Fire Department and CDF. I am dad to the world's two greatest kids. I grew up wanting to follow my father into the California Highway Patrol, but there's just something about riding on a big shiny red fire engine and the adrenaline rush that comes with the job...
Day Job:
Restaurant Server and Bartender
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
to be a part of my community
Why I Love Fire/EMS
the adrenaline
Top Issues Facing Responders:
lack of communication between command and field

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Jared m snyder's Blog

Good times, great friends, great life...

Posted on September 10, 2009 at 10:21pm 0 Comments

Hello to all of those here in the Nation... It's great to get a chance again to post something in here. Life goes so fast these days that it seems like there is never any time for myself, until now... For those of you who don't know me, I am a 33 yr divorced father with two wonderful kids, ages 6 and 5. I am a probationary firefighter with the Moab Valley Fire Department here in beautiful Moab, Utah. I have the most wonderful girlfriend a guy could ask for, and she came along right when I… Continue

torn between career, family and a new friend...

Posted on April 6, 2008 at 11:12am 1 Comment

Hey all, well, just another day here in beautiful Moab, Utah. The only thing that seems to be going rite for me these last few days, is that I spent a great day with my son yesterday. I am torn between my career as wildland firefighter, the woman I am currently dating, my children and a new lady that I have met through my son's soccer league.

For those of you who don't know me, and that would just about cover all of you, my name is Jared. Ifyou look at my profile pic, that is me on… Continue

Firefighting or family?

Posted on April 4, 2008 at 12:07am 1 Comment

Greetings to everyone here on FFN. This is my first posting. I havent had as much time as I would like to spend here on this great site. My posting here has to do with some of the hardest decisions I have had to make in my life in quite some time.

I am going though a divorce and had left the state of Utah to move home back with my parents. Well, I am back in Utah, closer to my kids and have just recently been able to be with them again. I was all set to return to my position as a…

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At 2:59am on March 21, 2011, Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd said…
Will be in Moab sometime during the first couple of weeks in June. Maybe we can finally get together and put on some training. We just have to discuss topics and I may need a ride from the Big Bend Campground, assuming that it will be a night training class? I would have to email you the class handouts ahead of time for you to make copies prior to the class. Stay in touch through my email, mschlags@gmail.com Take care, Mike
At 1:58pm on March 14, 2011, Rachel said…
How are you doing? I just wanted to stop by and say hello!! See you around the pages!!!

At 11:55pm on January 13, 2010, Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd said…
Hey Jared, I'm proud of your accomplishment after completing your training and getting successfully voted in to the Moab FD. Good stuff brother and a wonderful start for your career. I am planning on being in your area this coming June 2010 and would like to schedule a class for your department when I'm in town. I will be in touch with you prior to the trip with more specifics as far as dates. I also need to send you some subject matter to help you department decide if they are interested in the training. I've made several thousand dollars in the past but for you my friend, my charge is a cup of fire station coffee... maybe a tee shirt... lol

Talk to you soon,

Mike Schlags, Fire Captain
Santa Barbara, CA
(c) 805.896.7993
At 1:23pm on December 11, 2009, L said…
thank you! stay safe
At 3:22pm on November 4, 2009, Tom Griego said…
thanx is there any way you can get me a telephone number or contact for that deparment i would really appreciate it.
At 9:15am on November 4, 2009, Lou Sclafani said…
Jared- I like the Park City area. Traveling in from Florida it's a big deal to set up a trip and stay the week. Don't have the luxury of trying different places each weekend. Have done Alta Snowbird as well but I need a town, good lodging, restaurants etc.

What are you doing the week of Feb. 6? Check out www.firefighterskitrip.com Am trying to set up a firefighters ski trip to Park City. Response hasn't been great yet but am trying. Have a classified ad in Firehouse.
At 10:37pm on October 26, 2009, Lou Sclafani said…
Utah is my favorite place to ski. I just created a new group here on FFN, SnowSkiingFirefighters and thought you might be interested in joining. Would love to have you.

At 12:46pm on September 16, 2009, daniel said…
you are right i am back in my truck as a dozer boss it was one of my dozer ops that past
At 11:00am on September 4, 2009, daniel said…
no not with monterey i am with cal fire abd big sur fire
At 6:46pm on April 6, 2008, LEO AFD389NY said…

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