Hello to all of those here in the Nation... It's great to get a chance again to post something in here. Life goes so fast these days that it seems like there is never any time for myself, until now... For those of you who don't know me, I am a 33 yr divorced father with two wonderful kids, ages 6 and 5. I am a probationary firefighter with the Moab Valley Fire Department here in beautiful Moab, Utah. I have the most wonderful girlfriend a guy could ask for, and she came along right when I really needed someone new in my life. I have great friends, some who are actually over now, because it's the best time of year, football season. My friends and my family really are my support groups these days. I've had a rough go of my divorce and custody battles, so these fine folks are the ones i turn to now. I'm gaining a whole new family too, now that i have become a firefighter once again. There really isn't anything like the "brotherhood" you get from being in the fire service. These are the type of people you know you can count on on the job and off. It's great knowing that they've got my back on scene and at home, like when we run out of beer during a football game. I know i can count on one of them to say "Hey, i'll run to the Maverick and get more." I host alot of the BBQs, so i don't have to buy the beer... Ha ha.. Anyways, in this job I've come to realize how important it is to have such a close knit group of friends, even if they aren't on the job with me. But of course, the family comes first.

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