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LEO AFD389NY's Friends

  • Krissy Betts
  • Ray Swanson
  • Angie
  • Kim #454
  • shane fitzpatrick
  • John Jeziorowski
  • Travis Weiler
  • Gordon "Gopher" Runer
  • NYBrian
  • Joseph Sajdak
  • Thomas Bishop
  • Ladyranger
  • Ron Kahan
  • Chief 29

Welcome/// What you call a hero, I call just doing my job. \\\\

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carol jacques left a comment for LEO AFD389NY
"I live in NH but have a few from MA and Quebec, Canada where my cousin/fireman lives if interested thanks"
Feb 20, 2020

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter, Driver / Engineer, Other
Years in Fire/EMS:
28 YRS
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
My Training:
basic firefighter training, pump opperator, hazmat, emergency driving, auto exercation,wild fire training, surch & rescue,
About Me:
i am currently a live active memeberin my department,vice president also. am a past asst. chief of 15 yrs, past member of the county fire advisory board. i just love being a firefighter.
Day Job:
Truck drive for Cattaraugus County D.P.W.
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
MY FATHER BELONGED, I STARTED OUT AS A JUNIOR FIREMAN, AND WENT FROM THERE. It is a great feeling to serve your community. It is nice that you can put something back into your community, it takes a special person to do what we do.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
to serive and protect my community
Top Issues Facing Responders:
we need more VOLUNTEERS.

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LEO AFD389NY's Blog

After 46 years, 'Pez' still dispensing service ALLEGANY ��” His children remember growing up in a home that had fire calls and alarms coming in during the middle of the night, followed by their f…

Posted on March 25, 2009 at 5:34pm 3 Comments

After 46 years, 'Pez' still dispensing service

ALLEGANY ��” His children remember growing up in a home that had fire calls and alarms coming in during the middle of the night, followed by their father running out the door to help with countless emergencies.

For the family of Francis “Pez” Pezzimenti, the calls and fire alarms were, and are, a way of life for a man who has devoted his life to the Allegany Engine Company. Last week, the 78-year-old was… Continue

Articals For Sale.

Posted on January 8, 2009 at 2:59pm 9 Comments

I was wondering if there was a way to put a firefighter articals for sale site on FFN ? I think that this would go over good. What is evryone eleses thoughts on this ? Good or bad idea ?

A firefighter died and went to hell where he finds a wall of clocks. After seeing all these clocks on a wall, with his friends names under them, he asked the devil, what the clocks mean? "That's easy…

Posted on October 25, 2008 at 9:40am 5 Comments

A firefighter died and went to hell where he finds a wall of clocks.
After seeing all these clocks on a wall, with his friends names under them, he asked the devil, what the clocks mean?
"That's easy, each time one of your friends mess up on earth, their clock speeds up one hour." says the devil.
"I don't see the Chiefs clock anywhere?" the fireman says.
The devil replied, "Oh him, we have his down in the basement, we're using it for a fan."


Posted on October 25, 2008 at 9:31am 9 Comments

Haligan Tool: Used for breaking headlights

Kelly Tool: What firefighter Kelly uses to break headlights

Water Hammer: Used to drive in water nails

Drafting: Following another fire engine really closely on the way to a fire

Backdraft: Drafting on the way back to the station

Ladder Company: Where they make ladders

Flashover: Too many lights on the pumper

Master Stream: The Mississippi

Exposures: Usually… Continue

A mom is driving her second-grade daughter and two of her friends to school one day when a fire truck zoomed past. Sitting in the front seat of the fire truck was a Dalmatian dog. The children starte…

Posted on October 25, 2008 at 9:25am 0 Comments

A mom is driving her second-grade daughter and two of her friends to school one day when a fire truck zoomed past. Sitting in the front seat of the fire truck was a Dalmatian dog. The children started talking about what the dog's duties were.
One little girl said, "They use him to keep crowds back."
"No," said another, "he's just for good luck."
The daughter said, "No! No! They use the dogs to find the fire hydrants."

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At 9:44pm on February 20, 2020, carol jacques said…

I live in NH but have a few from MA and Quebec, Canada where my cousin/fireman lives if interested thanks

At 2:44am on July 11, 2011, Andrew said…
Good day! I am a collector from Ukraine. I suggest you to exchange patches. Andrew. tkachenko_van@optima.com.ua
At 4:43am on May 19, 2009, Leo Cartwright said…
Leo it's Leo, received your patch today, thank U so much.
Cheers Leo
At 6:37pm on April 9, 2009, Gabe Alvarez said…
hey bro, got your patch today , thanks!
At 5:20pm on April 4, 2009, Gabe Alvarez said…
cool brother ,im glad you like it. stay safe bro
At 11:30am on April 1, 2009, Gabe Alvarez said…
hey bro patch is on its way. heres my info

gabe alvarez
3623 N. 106th Drive
Avondale, Az

stay safe bro!
At 4:15am on April 1, 2009, Leo Cartwright said…
Thanks Leo
have your address, will send within the 2 weeks

Cheers - Leo
At 4:50pm on March 31, 2009, ROB ELLIOTT said…
hello leo i am a patch collector and was wondering if you could send me some patches stay safe brother

rob elliott
8 scobie crescent
bellambi nsw 2518
At 8:25am on March 31, 2009, Leo Cartwright said…
Leo; I have just discovered that we have exchanged names before (silly me) I can't remember if we exchanged patches?
Cheers for now Leo
At 8:20am on March 31, 2009, Leo Cartwright said…
Hi there brother Leo; I’m Leo from Australia, a Paramedic; If you read my profile and think that I am suited; please feel free to add me to your collection of FFN friends. If I have not added you as a friend, it’s because I have reached my Max and I am waiting for members to reply to me.
I also collect Patches and badges and would love to show one of yours in my collection. I am looking for Police, Medical, Ambulance, S&R; Dispatcher & Fire Service patches. If U are interested, or U know someone in these groups please contact me. My Email is lecar1@bigpond.net.au
Cheers Leo

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