Firefighter Chris
  • Male
  • Davison, MI
  • United States
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Firefighter Chris's Page

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Paid
Job Function
Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
9 years
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Davison-Richfield Fire Department
Years With Department/Agency
2 Years
Dept. Web Site:!/Dfd25?ref=ts
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Started out with Marlette Fire Department - 5 Years
Genesse County Hazmatt Team - 1 1/2 Years
My Training:
FF I & II, EMT-Basic, Hazmatt Tech., Fire Inspector, Fire Officer I & II...
About Me:
I have been a firefighter for 9 years now. I live in Davison with my Lovely wife and work fore Davison Richfield Fire Department. I also work for Grand Blanc Twp. as a Fire Inspector. I just recently became an EMT-Basic. I love firefighting, its my life! I wouldn't do nothing else.
Day Job:
Fire Inspector
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
The feeling you get at the end of a day when you crawl in bed and know that you was able to help someone or make a difference in your community. It's the most rewarding job a person could ever have and I would never do anything else!
Why I Love Fire/EMS
Its a RUSH!
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Responding to and from Calls

This is kind of the tattoo I want, without the flames around the helmet and 343 instead of 13 on the shield

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Firefighter Chris's Blog

Still Healing...Going in for an MRI Tomorrow

Posted on August 4, 2010 at 10:43am 1 Comment

So its been one week since I injured my wrist and we were hoping that it would be doing better. However, I'm still pretty sore so the doctor has ordered an MRI to see how bad the tear is and if its something that is going to require surgery or just time to heal....Lets hope for the best

Feeling Better

Posted on August 3, 2010 at 8:37am 0 Comments

Feeling a little better today, my swelling in my foot has went down quite a bit, still not enough to zip up my duty boot, but enough that it doesn't hurt nearly as much anymore. I've got one more day to go with my wrist in a splint before I can take it off and see how it feels, Doctor said come Thursday if my wrist feels better I can return to full duty so thats what I'm hoping for!

Out of the Game on the Injured List

Posted on August 2, 2010 at 8:35am 2 Comments

So its been awhile since I've posted anything about my P90X workout because I haven't been able to do it. The last few days have been pretty rough for me. Started with a sinus infection and then in a training drill last week I pulled a tendon in my wrist taking me out of all physical activities for atleast a week. Then I get stung by a yellow jacket, which I'm highly allergic too, causing my foot to swell to the size of a football. So most of the weekend was spent on the couch icing my foot and… Continue

P90X Workout

Posted on July 27, 2010 at 8:27am 1 Comment

I've been a firefighter for going on 9 years now and know how important it is to be in good shape. After all, Heart Attacks are the number one killer of firefighters. I've always considered myself to be in fairly good shape, but over the years the I've gained some weight and its starting to show. After alot of research my wife and I decided to do the P90X workout. Last night we started the workout together and I can already feel it! It was just as intense as everyone said it would be and I… Continue

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At 11:30am on December 31, 2010, Korrey said…
How's your p90x workout going for you and are you a coach.
At 1:57pm on July 28, 2010, Roy Luther said…
Thanks for me Chris!!!!!!
At 9:55am on July 16, 2010, Rusty Hampton said…
My brother-in-law works at Almighty Tattoo in GB. His name is JR. He should be able to make exactly what you are looking for.
At 11:14am on October 15, 2008, Brent Morey said…
Hey, just wanted to say hi. I grew up in Davison. My dad was on the dept. for many years. Great little town with lots of calls. We have books of pictures of fires in Davison. Good luck and be safe.
At 9:29am on April 9, 2008, Jeff Clark said…
just stopped by to say hi and welcome stay safe
At 10:48pm on April 7, 2008, RICK said…
Hey man how's it going? I'm signed up for medic at the end of this month and am applying to commerce fire for a full time position.
At 8:47pm on April 7, 2008, Jim aka Bick said…

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