Fire Investigators


Fire Investigators

a place for those who determine the cause and origin of fires. NOTE: use caution with the subject matter. do not post specifics on incidents you are currently investigating or open cases. This should be a place that investigators can network.

Members: 199
Latest Activity: Jun 8, 2018

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Comment by Bill Bennett on January 4, 2011 at 1:30am
I just joined this group, Ive been a member of my Department for over 35 yrs. and have held every position available. Currently Im 1st Lieut. / Investigator. Im also President of the Columbiana County Fire Investigators Association here in Ohio. Im looking forward to being able to share ideas, and information because knowledge never stops.
Comment by John Karl Ambrusch, III on October 6, 2010 at 10:38pm
I'm in an Associate's Degree program right now for my Fire Sciences degree and plan to continue right on into a Bachelor's Degree program for forensic sciences. My goal is to become a forensic arson investigator here in Pennsylvania. I'm glad to have found a group to learn from. I hope that we can share some knowledge.
Comment by Troos Jacobs on September 1, 2010 at 1:04pm
Good day to all the investigators. Start as a firefighter in 1974. Work myself up do, operational fire fighting, Fire Prevention, paramedic, Fire Investigation and Training. Current Consultant and training Facilitator. look forward to put more knowledge into this small brain.
Comment by LIMA CHARLY on July 5, 2010 at 3:19pm
Hello people am new here. I try to learn something new with you
Comment by pattyb254 on July 2, 2010 at 10:43am
Hello Jason from Abilene, Will be down there with you but on a project. If you need anything while you are there, I teach ventilation. (not too far from your props) If you want a quiet place to unwind, My husband and I stay at the rv park behind the fire field. Would love to have you by.
Comment by Roy Blackburn on July 2, 2010 at 9:44am
I agree with Jeff, dwhen I say that Fire investigators are great people and they are willing to help at the drop of a hat.
Comment by Jeff Allen on July 2, 2010 at 8:20am
Steven, fire investigation in Texas is quite different than in some other states. You'll get involved with a great bunch of people in your state and although at times you'll ask why you ever did, you will get lots of enjoyment from your 'new' career. Just remember to always be humble enough to ask for assistance....the day we stop learning is the day we need to find something else to do. Be safe.
Comment by Jason F. Anderson on July 1, 2010 at 11:46pm
I have been in the fire service for 15 years, with the last 3 being the Chief of my department. I am about to begin my "fire investigation" education this summber at Texas A&M. Hoping it turns out to be as fun and exciting as some of the stories I have heard...
Comment by Steven J. Placke on June 22, 2010 at 10:15am
Hello Everyone,
Comment by Jeff Allen on May 26, 2010 at 9:07am
Anybody in this group with the Savannah, Georgia, FD? I need to know what an 'Executive Order' is? Your City Council issued one that makes your arson unit a police department and I need to know and understand that process so more of us can get the same thing done. Thanks.

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