who got youin the fire service or ems and what importance are they to you

being a thrid gen firefighter and now an officer in a volunteer dept. i look back and say thanks to my grandfather who started the volunteer company in north haven ct that most of my family still belongs too, people look at him strange becouse they saw a banker give so much for nothing. it is just a shame he couldn't see me at where i am now. but always watching over from above since 11-01

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My grandfather, my father and both my brothers were volunteer firefighters, and I am in the process of applying to the volunteer dept in my area. I am the person I am today because of my dad, he is standing behind me 100% of my decision to join. My boys are finally old enough for me to do what I always wanted to do EMS. I grew up in a Fire Dept in a small town in PA and would trade a day of my life for that experience. I am very proud to be part of the Fire Services family
My father and four brothers and two sisters are all fire fighters. My father and brothers got me to join when I was sixteen and I am now thirty six and am the assistant chief of my department.
my father bless his heart he is gone now was a member when I was little. There use to be fires in the night and he would get ready to go and ask if any one would like to come.. so when I turned 16 I joined. I have been a faithful member since. Now my son who joined when he was 16 is a active member... Small town fireman ..
My father-in-law got very sick and I was taking care of him. I had always been interested in EMS work and a long time family friend suggested that I join our local corp. I joined and found a whole different world of friends that saw me thru the next 3 years of difficult times while taking care of my father-in-law. There is no better feeling then to know that help is only 1 phone call away and 1/2 of your corp shows up to help. God Bless all of us who serve and protect our communities and loved ones everyday and sometimes see nothing in return. When he finally did pass away he went with full honors from my Corp, the local PD department for whom i dispatch and the local FD to which he belonged to for over 45 years!! May God watch over us out there.
WELL it goes like this- My father has been with Fridley for 40 years Volunteer, to POC when that came around, and now full-time fire marshall. My brother knew this is what he wantted to do since he was knee high to a grass hopper, He's been on 14 years now as a POC LT. I started on a law enforcement career that never panned out. and started here 9 years ago, now I've been full-time for 2 years... I always wnated to be a cop but I'll take not getting shot at everyday for a career. My buddies give me grief, but I awlays tell them... I'm in a job because people WANT me to help them and not arrest them
i got into being a firefighter / EMT by blood and love i am the granddaughter of a ex-firechief and the daughter of an EMT my granddad wanted my brother to be the firefighter but he is a cop and my dad always wanted me to chase my dreams which was to be a lawyer but my best friend joined a voluteer dept and i joined with him and we took our frist EMT class together that was almost 3 years ago and now i am going to paramedic school and love every min. of it.

misty mendes
Well... I am the first person in my family to have anything to do with Fire & EMS. Yet, looking back, I have to credit at least a portion of my interest in even looking into the field to my adopted uncle, Phil McAliece, who is still a member (though now inactive) on his volunteer Fire Dept after 50 years. When I told my dad and then my Uncle Phil that I was going to go through 36 hr FF class, both of them had about the same reaction: well, okay, if you want to do this... but we hope you stick more with the EMS side of things. Then I went through my Basic, then my Paramedic. After 3 years on, both of them are okay with me doing this. I have also talked my brother (19) into joining the fire dept, and a good friend of mine into joining. My sister (18) can't WAIT to get on. I began this journey wanting to help out in my community. Then I realized I could get a job doing this (the EMS side of it). Now I'm looking into getting on a full-time Fire Department, and I'm hoping to go through 240 Fire School this fall. My uncle's response when I told him was pretty cool: Okay, good for you. Be careful, all right? (I think he must be getting used to me doing this by now!) So my hope now is to pass this tradition on to MY kids...
I am also the first person in my family to have anything to do with Fire & EMS. I always had it in the back of my mind that this was something I wanted to do. I have always been involved with several charities and enjoy helping people. I have very close friends who are firefighters and they encouraged me to join. I'm currently a probie and love every minute of it!
It started when I was 3 years old. Every other week my father would take me to my gransparents and my father, and grandfather would spend hours talking about the fires they worked at together. That pretty much started it all. My father retired from the service because of an unjury he sustained in his day job, and my grandfather is an active exempt member of my hometown's rescue truck company.
i would have to say my friends dad got me to want to be in the fire service when i was 12 he went on a call to a working structure fire and was assigned to search and recue and found a baby in its crib and when i heard bout that i relized the fire service would be a great way to help people
my dad is a full time firefighter in memphis tn when i was young id go c him at the station and when they left out for a kall id b disapointed but yet i knew what his job was and my uncle too is a full time firefighter so is my three cousins but joined the volenteer service here at my home to help people and for the local kids
This is going to sound weird, but the guy who I think is responsible for my Fire Service Career has no idea that he played such an instrumental part in me getting started.

Growing up I knew no one in the Fire Service. Never even gave a career as a Fireman a thought. I was working in a large Grocery Chain Store as a meatcutter. Over the Thanksgiving Holidays, I became quite ill with the flu and called off sick over that busy week. I drug myself into work shortly after Thanksgiving, still pretty sick, but couldn't afford to take off any more time. I started work about 6am and the store manager usually showed up about 7am. When he showed up, he walked up to me and said "If you ever call off sick again, I better be reading your name in the Obituaries" Well, that pretty much ticked me off, so I quit right on the spot. Not the smartest thing to do.

What it did so is make me reassess my life. That is what led me to think about different careers and eventually to the Fire Service. So, I guess that Store Manager really did me a favor. That was about 33 years ago. Now I'm just about ready to retire from a career that I've loved from day one.

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