  • Female
  • Lakeville, OHIO
  • United States
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Brittany's Friends

  • Jay Louks
  • Rachel
  • Sinisa Jembrih
  • Brett Smith
  • Medmike
  • Robert Edmondson
  • jeffrey james dickinson
  • Douglas Barker
  • Daniel James Price
  • Mike Dalton
  • Jacob Fouts
  • Kyann Miner
  • Chris
  • Jeff Mackey
  • Pete S

Professionalism is NOT a matter of pay. It is a matter of ATTITUDE.

Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Firefighter / Paramedic (or Other ALS)
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Western Holmes County Fire District -- Nashville F.D.
Years With Department/Agency
Dept. Web Site:
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Coshocton County EMS - Paramedic
My Training:
FF Level II
HazMat Ops
Driver/Pump Operator
Day Job:
Part Time FF/Medic at Washington Twp Fire Dept; Part Time Paramedic at Coshocton County EMS
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
I felt there was a need in my area for volunteers to be available for fire and ems work. After going through 36 hour class and my EMT-B, I can't imagine doing anything else. I'm currently a Paramedic, and just graduated from the Ohio Fire Acadamy with my 240 Fire Card.
Why I Love Fire/EMS
This isn't a job... it's an adventure.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Getting to the scene safely, providing the best, most professional care possible, and keeping up with new ideas/techniques.
"The ONLY job we have in the fire service is to GO HOME. We may have to fight fire, run EMS and train a lot in order to go home, but that doesn't change our ultimate job."

Definition of Insanity: "Doing the same things over and over again and expecting a different result."

"Lead by example: YOURS."

"If it was an emergency when they called you, it will still be an emergency when you get there."

"Professionalism is NOT a matter of pay, it is a matter of attitude."

"Listen with your ears, not your mouth."

"If you think you're going to wait for the fire scene to get on the job training, you're an accident waiting to happen."

"Make sure you arrive on the scene to do the job they called YOU to do!"

"Fire doesn't discriminate."

"SMOKE will kill you, fire won't."

"We search and search and search, and occasionally we rescue somebody."

"Carry your load on your shoulder, not a chip."

"Share the work. Accept the blame. Give away the credit."

"You have 2 ears that open and 1 mouth that closes and that should tell you something!"

BLEVE: Blowing Literally Everything Virtually Everwhere.

Failure to prepare is preparing for failure.

Safety doesn't happen by accident.

There is no greater challenge, no greater satisfaction, and no greater reward than to have your actions result in the continuation of another persons life even if it requires the ultimate sacrifice.

It is better to be prepared and not needed... than to be needed and not prepared.

Amateurs train until they get it right. Professionals train until they can't get it wrong.

COURAGE: physical courage comes easy to us, but moral courage teaches us lessons for a lifetime.

Volunteers aren't paid-- not because they're worthless, but because they're PRICELESS.

Tolerance is free. Respect is EARNED.

Professionalism: it's not the job you do. It's how you DO the job.

The most courageous people aren't always the ones who win... but the ones who never give up.

Committment: to fight when others fold, pursue while others retreat, conquer while others quit and make right when all else is wrong.

If you lack courage to start, you're already finished.

Small minds dwell on who is in charge.

The disease of ME produces the failure of US.

Demand the best in yourself.

It makes little sense to get half way to the hosptial real fast.

The will of the mind to finish what the heart has started long after the mood in which the promise was made has ended.

Every call is the most important call you've been on.

Your attitude is always on display.

Failure is as much a part of life as success.

Don't dream of the past. KNOW the past. Dream of the future.

Your failure to plan does not constitute and emergency on my part.

180 RLH: Turn around and run like heck.

High speed lead poisoning: What happens if you get shot on scene.

Firefighters dont want to be heros, they just want to be firefighters.

Man who says it can't be done should not interrupt man who is doing.

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At 3:05pm on January 1, 2009, Nick said…
thanks you too!
At 5:38am on December 23, 2008, ROB ELLIOTT said…
hey would you be able to send me a fd hat and patch and i will send one back you merry christmas
At 9:56pm on December 13, 2008, tito said…
I invite you to join the group Firefighters Argentinos and participate in the discussions Chau! a big hug
At 12:27am on December 8, 2008, Clark Schwenke said…
hello brittany, how are things? good to have you back on the truck again, hope the 24's aren't workin you over too bad. see you on wednesday morning.
At 7:18pm on December 5, 2008, Chief622 said…
Glad to see you have that done. We proly have some time before go over them. Went and order the new name plates today for the lockers and got the paint last week. Soon we will have what looks to be a remodeled truck bay.
At 8:30pm on November 29, 2008, Lillie (Shirley) Lund said…
Thanks =]
At 9:14pm on November 21, 2008, Ariel 683 said…
At 12:23pm on November 13, 2008, Brian said…
Hey Brittany. I know you will do just fine on your test. Just don't double guess yourself. Did you find the sheet you need to fill out for the FD? I gotta go, take it easy. TTYL!
At 8:15am on November 11, 2008, Ariel 683 said…
Sorry, about not calling you.... I don't know why they called district 1.... I was too busy worring about other stuff. I told them I wanted a medic as quick as possible, and all i know is I got a medic ....If I had known you were home I would have called us first:-( Brian should have said something...
Tell Melanie I said hi..
At 7:57pm on November 10, 2008, Ariel 683 said…
Hey, have a nice quiet evening :-)
Sorry I missed you at work... we never ended up at the station at the same time :-( Hope everything went ok for you and your partner.
See you on the next call?
Oh, remind me to tell you about the run i had last night.. It was pretty interesting :-)

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