Hello everyone, In my old station everyone carried different things in their bunker gear. Im trying to figure out what items would be best to carry that can be in both Fire and EMS call. So I throw out the question whats in yours, and maybe a reason why. Thanks.

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Pants pockets are nomex hood and gloves in one pocket and spanner wrench and 20' of rope in the other.Coat pockets are window punch,knife and med gloves.Radio in radio pocket.I carry more stuff in my brush gear than I do in my structure gear anymore.
bunker pants, right pocket..wire cutters, pliers, channelocks modified with key tool
bunker pants, left pocket... nomex hood 20 ft webbing with carabiner, 2 door chocks
bunker coat, right pocket...surgical gloves, gauze, surgical shears(all in a protective pouch of course)
bunker coat,left pocket...structure gloves, 10 ft utility rope
helmet..... 1 door chock, 1 window punch, and the lords prayer medallion to keep me and my brother's safe
Hope this helps Brother!!
In regards to bunker gear pockets, I always tell my new cadets to put some basic things in their pockets(2 door chocks, knife, 10-20 ft of webbing, etc...). I also tell them to wait until they have a few calls under their belts to determine what other tools to carry because it differs with the individual, the type of Company, the type of calls, etc...
For example, I am Truck Officer, so I carry different tools than an Engine Boss. My Truck guys carry pliers, screwdrivers, electrical adapters, wire cutters, extra gloves, etc... While the Engine guys carry spanner wrenches, hose straps, etc...
You obviously need more pockets.

Left coat pocket- extrication gloves and flashlight

Right coat pocket- Nomex hood

Left Pants pocket- knife w window punch, wire cutters, multi tool, trauma shears

Right pants pocket- spanner multi tool, 2 hose straps

I also keep 2 door chocks in my helmet strap

Extra Hood, Extra pair of structual gloves, extrication/work gloves, center punch, spanner wrench, trauma shears, seat belt cutter, knife, safety glasses, wedges/chocks, and I also have my personal 12" halligan I carry.

The only thing i carry in my gear is a extra flash hood and a small flashlight and a knife, and a small bottle of water.


In my coat pockets I have my gloves ff and rescue.In side coat pocket lumber crayon hiway traffic control book,ear plugs and safety glasses. R coat pocket a knife.


L pocket 2 wedges,20 feet of webbing w/caribeaner,extra flaslight,piece of rubber with holes to place over knobs to keep from locking.

R pocket tool pouch with 6-way screw driver,brass spanner wrench,small crescent wrench and linesmans pliers.

Fire Gear

In my bunker pants:

Left pocket - Bail out hook prerigged to 8mm Kevlar life safety rope, endless loop, 20' of  1" webbing

Right pocket - 50' bailout gravity bag, also prerigged to the Gemtor carabiner


In my turn-out coat: (w/ a Survivor Light)

Radio pocket: I keep my hood here until I don it.

Left pocket:

2 spare poly multi-purpose chocks

Pocket knife


Pliers with snips in the yoke


Right pocket:

Wire shears (spring-loaded) w/ webbing attached to handle for fast retrieval from pocket

MX-Z saw (I know it is garbage) but it destroys mortar, drywall, and PVC (for breaching)

Mechanix gloves


On my helmet:

Streamlight Vantage

Wood chock

Trauma shears

New candy cane shaped door jam chock (poly)


In my USAR gear:

Intrinsically safe flashlight and Shelby Extrication gloves (on coat)

In left pocket:

Case and extra lenses for ESS Advancer goggles (prescription lenses)

In right pocket:

Rope gloves

Mechanix gloves

Trauma shears

Medical tape

Cable cutters (for auto battery cables)


In left bunker pocket:

(2) Full length of rolled up severed seat belt with loop knotted in one end

In right bunker pocket:

More medical tape

Nitrile gloves

Measuring tape

2 foil emergency blankets


On my helmet:

Headlamp (for patient assessment b/c it has adjustable brightness)

Streamlight Vantage (for non-patient ops like extrication, rope work, etc. b/c its brighter)


I know I am forgetting some items...I think... 

I did forget to mention the Res-Q-Me tool that is attached to the zipper on my USAR coat...

In my bunker pants I carry my gloves 1 each side. (Possibly soon a "Jack Knife" F.F. Tool. In my Jacket; A flashlight and earpiece for pager.  Don't have RIT rope bag on pants (As pants not configurable for it but, will be looking to modify pant pocket next year.  Flashlight question what are best ways to mount a flashlight on helmet(Blackjack, homemade brackets, etc...)  In keeping on subject with what you wear on your bunker gear.

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