The aspect of helping is huge of course, but my inspiration to become a firefighter comes from my wife and my kids. They have always supported me and what I do, because they understand the value of giving as much as you can for others. Also, I want them to be safe, so I am driven to learn ways to keep them that way.

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I joined the fire service because of my uncle. He was chief at the time and I remember riding in his red VW wagon with the radio inside and thought it was the collest thing. He was the first black fire chief in the state of Delaware and helped the fire company become part of the county association through a legal fight. When he passed away 2 years ago at age 98 he was the last orginal member on the mens side. My Aunt is the last orginal member of the company. She remembers everything at age 97 and the stories she's told me!
I needed a job and could pass the test.
It's not luck, Mr. Boneass.
Just trying to communicate on a level you're comfortable with, Teddy. So, there!
A school friend of mine in elementary school got my brother and myself interested because his father and other family members had been involved in the volunteer fire service in the county.
We hungout together with other friends and would listen in on the radio calls with crystal radios before programable radios came along. We sort of formed a jr. fire buff club.
We also got inspired by the TV show "Emergency" when it started. A few other fire dept TV shows came after Emergency but didn't last. When we got old enough we joined the local volunteer department together. A few of us stayed on with it and some dropped out and did other things.
My brother works for a ambulance service as a paramedic, my school friend worked for a paid dept retired and now works for another in adiministrative position.
I stayed with the same volunteer dept and now do administrative work with 36 years of service.
Both of my parents have inspired me. My father is a firefighter of 36 years, and my mother is an EMT firefighter of 25 years. As I grew up, I became more interested in their professions, and eventually turned down going to school as a mechanic to follow in their footsteps. Now both my brothers and myself are firefighter EMT's. I just hope that I can inspire my children the way that I was.
Deuce, Remember who they are bro. This service can rob from them the one they love the most. We are driven yes but that drive can take us away daily, monthly and yearly to the point that we forget where we live and what is most important.. Hold on to that, hold on to them............................
Actually what brought me to serve was a desire to do something with my life. I had worked for several years at a local mill and had got layed off when the mill shut down. I was so upset and felt so torn down as a husband that I wasnt able to provide for my family. A friend asked me to join the local volunteer fire dept. After joining I was called in by the City Manager to explain to me what the City was going to do as they had fired the Fire Chief. We talked for some time and he asked me what I was doing for work. I told him that I was un-employed. There was a opening with the City's public works crew. He told me I should apply. A week latter I was hired. I continued my efforts with the Fire Department to 1992 I was Asst Chief and the Fire Chief (Vol) retired. I was offered the job by the City as Volunteer Chief. I was also the City;s water meter man. They had given me all the opportunity to attend classes and schools to improve my skills and education as Chief being a City employee. Finally in 94 my position went full time paid Chief. I am honored to have been given this opportunity and service to the community where I grew up.
I can't really pin point it to one thing. I remember as a kid i was just fasinated with the trucks. I also remember "chasing" the fire trucks on my bicycle to fires. I knew it was dangerous to do but could not help it. I also remember the day the fire fighters came to school for fire prevention day. They would bring the trucks and do some demos, and talk about fire safety. I was in awe. I know i have a simple mind and am easily ammused but it got me hooked. To this day, 38 years old, I want to learn more and more. As I got older I learned it was a service to others. Helping others gives me a high that I can't do away with.
Grew up out in the country, in a real small community, saw our department on a rather large woods fire on a property bordering our farm. I remember how few of them there were (only about 3 or 4), and how hard they were working. I'd been looking for a way to become more involved in the community and saw they had a need that i could help fill, that was about 4 years ago I guess, been loving every minute of it since :)
Was doing my dayjob thing when one day I came across an MVA. I was one of the first ppl to see it. There was a person trapped upsidedown and injured in her seatbelt after the car ended up on its roof. There were 2 guys at the car, talking to her. So there I was, clueless as to what I could do to help. I thought about what if I was the first one there, what would I do. So I decided to remedy that problem and started studying and taking courses to become a paramedic/emt. Looked into joining the fire dept. as a medic for some experience to put on my application. Then I found that I absolutely loved firefighting and as a bonus, I could still do what I intended to do. Only difference is I don't give meds and I don't ride the ambulance. I can live with that. And I now can potentially help even more people, being a vol.FF, than I could if I were to become an Emt. That's my story.
Family Tradition. Started with my Grandpa. He was a firefighter down in Clymer, New York. Then my dad who was a firefighter in Prince George's County, Maryland. Then we moved to brooklyn where I was born and he was a firefighter there. Now I'm training to become one.
I got involved in emergency services mainly because of my dad. My dad became an EMT in 1983 after working a fatal MVA as a Police Officer & not knowing how to help the victims. After getting his EMT he joined the local Volunteer Fire Department & helped organise it's first Rescue/EMS Unit. In 1985 he became one of the first Nationally Registered Paramedic's in the state. Since then he has accumulated numerous certifications & citations, is an instructor in several areas of EMS, has served as a Volunteer & Ambulance Paramedic, has been on local & regional EMS Board of Director's & has even been recognized for his actions while on his other jobs with the Power Company & law enforcement. At present he is still active as Rescue Chief/Paramedic of the local VFD, serves on the Regional EMS Board of Director's & teaches several courses throughout the state.

I was born in 1983 & growing up I loved going with him on calls, no matter what time of the day or night. When I turned 13 I was able to officially join the department as a Cadet & got my First Responder certification. At age 18 I became a regular member & got certified as a Volunteer Firefighter. Over the years I have gotten a few more certifications & held a few ranks in the department. Most recently I obtained my EMT-Basic license after a long, hard road. Currently I am the Fire Chief of the local VFD, work part-time with a local Ambulance Company, full-time 911 Dispatcher, a Reserve Deputy Sheriff & hoping to be a Career Firefighter in the near future. Needless to say my dad was a HUGE influence on me going into Public Saftey. We are the same in many ways as we both love trauma, extrication & technical rescue & taking charge. We are very different in the fact I love to fight fire & closest he gets is the pump panel.

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