So, we have twin engines. Until a few months ago, E2 was the reserve, did mutual aid transfers, assists with other dept.'s for brush incidents, etc. Recently we started rotating the two on a monthly basis as first out engine. Here's the issue, E2 has, I think, one portable radio in the cab for the officer. There is no base charger to hold radios for the 4 interior positions. I asked the chief about it, and he said they're working on getting radios for E2.
1)Is it just me, or is sending attack crews into a live structure with no means of communications really, really dangerous? (and dangerous in an obvious, preventable kind of way)
2)another FF and I had a debate, he believes there would be too much radio traffic and only 1 person per team should have a radio. I asked what if that member goes through the floor, now he's unconscious and you're seperated from him, and neither can call mayday.
Thoughts on both points. My two cents is every single interior guy needs a portable radio, and it's blantantly dangerous to not have portable radios on the truck.