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Retired from the Navy in Oct '08. Spent entire career as an Engineer in Repair 5 and on the flying squad. For those not familiar with the Navy, Repair 5 is responsible for fires and damage control in the engine room. The flying squad is responsible for the immediate response to fires or damage occurring outside of a combat situation. For those in TX, I'm also the Certification Coordinator for the Dept.
My Training:
Many Navy shipboard firefighting classes, BS in Fire Science, Instructor I, TX SFFMA FFI Basic, TX SFFMA Wildland, HAZMAT OPS.
Day Job:
Stationary Engineer @ Christus Jasper Memorial Hospital
Relationship Status:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
Firefighter in the Navy and now that I'm retired, wanted to serve the community.
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Hey thanks, yeah we try to keep up on our apparatus as best we can. Were currenty trying to replace our 2nd due engine but along with the rest of the country, the money just isn't there right now. Oh well... I have some family that live in Hobart and Crown Point as well. The dept. also has a couple of firefighters from those areas as well. TCSS, Dustin
Hi Southern Cali, between San Diego and Los Angeles. It gets a little hotter than San Diego in the summer but still beautiful. Thanks and I hope you have a great week!
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My time at Pearl was short(about 4 months), but at the time I was a GM(G) and a Navy diver. Man those were the days!!!