I need some help getting a good workout set up (mostly body weight exercises). I need help.



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What are your specific goals, your alotted time, and regular access to equipment? Be honest.
Have you taken a look at crossfit?? I am in love with this program. It's tough and you do need some equipment, but you can improvise. You just have to make sure you are hitting the same muscle groups and doing the same volume if you change the exercises.

www.crossfit.com Look at the lower right hand portion (or mid-page) to find a crossfit affiliate near you. it's expensive (ridiculously so, actually), but a few lessons to be sure your form is right and you're on your way!! :)
I'm trying to work on my: cardio, more muscles endurance and build muscle.
I usually work out for 1 hour or just a little more.
I have a treadmill, dumbells and a small weight bench with 135-150lbs (not enough).
Thanks, I think some one was talking about it the last time i was at the station.
A lot of the guys are using this on my department. it's great. Just be sure to do it right and push yourself hard... feels really good when you're finished!! :)


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