
Since this is not a partisan event, even if the frakkin idiots at MSNBC and CNN think so, I am going to find myself standing with thousands of Americans who think the government has gone too far.

I am proudly conservative in my beliefs and convictions.

Does this make me a right wing whack job??? I think not.

Here is what I believe and try to live up to every day.

I strive to place god at the center of my and my families lives, and am accountable to him.

I believe America is the greatest country in the world. Created by insightful men who put in place a constitution that has been the envy of the world for 200+ years.

My wife and I are responsible for family decisions, not the government...period!

We have the god given right to live, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

If I do wrong, I will pay for my mistake.

We are all created equal. What you do with that equality is totally up to you, not the government.

Use my abilities to give back to my Community, State and Nation. That is my decision, not for the government to tell me who to give to and how much.

This is a great country and I believe the vast majority of us love it and are proud to be Americans. It was for this reason that I raised my right hand and swore to protect and defend her 23 years ago. That oath is as important to me today as it was when I was 19 years old.

So while you are watching the progressive pundits laugh at tea bagging crazies meet all over our great nation today, look up the constitution on Google, and read it. It might just make you think...

Have a great and safe day, oh and

God Bless America.

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Comment by Michael Bates on April 17, 2009 at 10:09pm
regrettably i was unable to attend a tea party, (too busy working to pay my taxes) but i agree with all of those who attended, my 4 month old daughter already is in debt. President Obama promised change. All we got was more of the same. want stimulus, how about building every fire company in the U.S. a new engine, that will create U.S. jobs, and strengthen public safety, maybe spend more than 210 million on fire houses, here in New Jersey that will barely cover the cost of Permits. Let's see the bulk of that 800 million get to the people who need it. DON'T LET THE BUREAUCRATS GET THEIR HANDS ON IT. Oh Yeah mr President maybe you can convince all of the cabinet appointees to PAY THEIR TAXES, SO MINE DON"T HAVE TO BE SO HIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! While were at it Let's rebuild the Katrina victims homes with safe, U.S. building materials, not chinese sheetrock made with sulpher products. All obama, Pelosi, and Frank are doing is continuing the poor fiscal practices of the Bush administration. At least Georgie boy would blow some stuff up once in a while so we felt like we were getting our money's worth.
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on April 17, 2009 at 12:15pm
I have to wonder that, if the tea parties "didn't accomplish anything", then why is the Obama administration and the left wingers spending so much time trying to trivialize it and dismiss it?
If they were laughing on Tax Day, they aren't laughing anymore.
Obama's approval rating has dropped; not by much, but the fact that it has dropped at all should be disconcerting.
Immanuel and Gibbs cannot continue to blame Rush, O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck and Fox News for their problems. At some point, they will have to realize that the honeymoon is over and it's time to work for ALL Americans.
Remember; there were SIXTY MILLION who DID NOT vote for Obama. And they cannot be ignored.
The tea parties may not have been as exciting as the protest of the 60s, but it's a damned good start.
While the Democrats are "laughing", conservatives will be taking back the country.
You'll see.
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on April 17, 2009 at 11:23am
Dustin you really need to lay off the MSNBC and Olberman.

In the crowd I stood with people from every walk of life and not a nutjob was to be seen. My favorite was the black teenager with a tshirt that said "Change...oops". I chuckledn ad he shrugged his shoulders and smiled back at me, with a knowing look. Was it ironic? Hell yeah!

The fact that hundreds of thousands of Americans stood in cold rain snow heat wind and beautiful weather says more about the American spirit than you are understanding.
If you think the politicians didnt pay attention, you are grossly mistaken.

This was real, this was a protest that showed we as Americans can unite to let our leaders (I use that term loosely) know that we are done with their out of control spending. Blatant disregard for our constitution and the disrespect of the people of the United States.
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on April 16, 2009 at 4:54am
Allen, I agree with most of what you have to say here. I know that one day I will stand before God and be held accounatble for my life. I am prepared for that day. However; as far as the world today goes... I really dont think throwing empty boxes into the water is going make our gov't do anything except laugh. It sounds to me like there was a couple 100,000 people (maybe more) that all took a day off work (during a time where people should be grateful to have a job) to accomplish absolutly nothing. If wana make some changes in this country (believe me I do) lets do something real about it... not take off work, pull our kids outa school, all dress up like a couple nutjobs, and waste some cardboard boxes.
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on April 16, 2009 at 12:49am
Well...went to San Antonio and stood with 15,000 who overflowed into another park just to be close. I saw every color, creed, age, and style of people imaginable.
Ted Nugent's National Anthem was incredible!

It was good to know I am not the only one who feels the way I do...
Comment by PFC Harmon on April 15, 2009 at 5:49pm
They had one close to me in Knoxville but I couldn't get off work to go. The funny thing though is that NONE of the local news stations are saying anything about it. And Beverly, if we don't support the bums who will?
Comment by Beverly on April 15, 2009 at 5:40pm

You forgot one...

I work to provide for my family, you work to provide for yours! The elderly and veterans are the only ones who are entitled to "something for nothing" because they have earned that through protecting our country and being upstanding citizens.
In a few years the generation of 40 somethings who were born, raised and spent adulthood on welfare will now be the elderly and guess what...they won't deserve it anymore then than they do now!!!
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on April 15, 2009 at 11:19am
We will be outside our county courthouse today.
In this; our one Nation, under God, indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All, there seems to be a great divide.
But I know this; my taxes are already too high; I don't need the government telling me how to run my life; I am concerned about the future of my retirement, if I get to retire; I will buy my own medications, if they are affordable; we need to get back to being the greatest nation in the world.
There is a little country called Somalia that is laughing at us right now. We need to pay them a visit, but this time, get it right.
I won't take sugar in my tea.
I want it straight.

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