On Wednesday I drove 150 miles to stand with thousands (the Alamo puts the crowd at 20,000) in defense of my country. In defense of MY country...

Do I need to carry a gun to do that?


Do I need to go across the world and fight terrorists, like the brave men and women of our military do daily?


Is my standing side by side with hundreds of thousands of my countrymen, to decry out of control spending, and blatant disregard for our constitutional rights defending my country?

YES it is!

A young firefighter said that taking off work, when we should be thankful to have a job, and standing with a couple people dressed up like nutjobs, wasting cardboard boxes, accomplished nothing.

I disagree

When 7000 joined to protest the new tax on tea, the government knew.

When 30-130 men boarded 3 vessels and dumped all 342 chests of tea into the water, the government knew.

When upwards of 300,000 americans gather from coast to coast, the government knew, regardless of what CNN or MSNBC, ABC, CBS, HNN, etc...chose to report.

By invoking my 1st Amendment rights to free speech and assembly, I did my small part to defend America.

to be continued....

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Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on April 17, 2009 at 2:30pm
Hey; I have been hearing young adults calling into Rush Limbaugh's show, so I know that there is hope.
I am pretty well set.
I care about them more than they care about themselves.
I worry about them.
I got involved in politics when I was 17.
It has served me well.
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on April 17, 2009 at 2:17pm
I keep rading about Gov Perry not squashing the secession talk at the Austin Party and that makes me crazy.

However...he NEVER said we should or would secede, only that if Washington does not wake up and realize they have lost touch, there were Texans who would begin the push for secession.

Texans are PROUD Americans, but we are foremost and at our core, Texans. We love our country, and havedied defending her at a higher rate then most other states. (latest numbers show Texas second only to Caifornia in Iraq/Afgan wars)

Texans do not want to secede...however we are not good atr being ignored either...
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on April 17, 2009 at 2:08pm
Art, as much as I know this shocks you, I am in Texas, and we Texans are a bit different.

While I would not put the teens to mid twenties crowd at 30%, I would say it was 15-20% of the gathering, and I didnt see one carrying a pizza or chinese food.

My facebook group in Corpus was involved with the tea party here, & was probably more like 30-40% under 35, and that says a lot.

Jake, so good to hear you went to one too. I know of at least 3 from my shift who drove to San Antonio, and Ted Nugent was pretty fn awesome to be there.
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on April 17, 2009 at 1:42pm
The ones you saw were probably there delivering food!:-)
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on April 17, 2009 at 1:40pm
I have a phone, but I turn it off once in awhile and I know when it's inappropriate to carry on a conversation in full earshot of the public. I don't own a video game yet.
I do have a motorcycle and I like my golf.
The point of my post is that when it is as obsessive as it is with some kids, they don't care about anything else.
I like my toys, but I don't NEED them and I can walk away from them any time I feel like it.
With some of the kids, you would have to cut the hand off to get their phone away from them.
The fact that they don't care about politics is disturbing.
Comment by Jake Fireman on April 17, 2009 at 1:05pm
Allen...I went to a similar tea party, even mailed my tea bag to the white house. I am impressed with your post. We need to ALL show patriotism in whatever forums we can. I saw many 20's to early 30's as well, unfortunately I believe the majority of them fall into Art's catagory...maybe not, afterall...some of my information is from the media! lol
Comment by Allen Wahlstrom on April 17, 2009 at 1:00pm
Capt, Art I was impressed with the number of 20 somethings at the Tea Party...amazing actually!
Comment by Art "ChiefReason" Goodrich on April 17, 2009 at 12:19pm
Naw; as long as the younguns have their iPhones and Guitar Hero, everything's OK with the world.
They are impervious to what lies ahead for their generation.
We have to break the cycle of entitlement.

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