PFC Harmon
  • 40, Male
  • United States
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PFC Harmon's Friends

  • Jack/dt
  • Brandon Lane
  • Dirk Lewis
  • Robert C. Baker
  • Jason Harmon
  • Paul West
  • Jody Blackburn
  • Don Vuletic
  • Scott T.
  • Peter
  • rick estep
  • morris    washburn
  • Lion Apparel Protective Systems Group USA
  • Isaac
  • Rae Ann Ozelis


Profile Information

Type of Organization
Fire/Rescue Department - Volunteer
Job Function
Assistant or Deputy Chief, Other Senior Command Staff, Lieutenant, Firefighter / EMT-Basic
Years in Fire/EMS:
Primary Fire/EMS Department:
Briceville Tn
Years With Department/Agency
Other Past or Current Departments and Organizations
Montgomery Co Fire/EMS Montgomery Co KY
Owingsville Vol Fire Dept
Sharpsburg Vol Fire Dept
My Training:
Kentucky fire training
Administration and organization, firefighter safety, fire alarms and communication, fire behavior, portable extinguishers, PPE, forcible entry, ventilation, ropes, ladders,fire hose and foam
fire control, salvage and overhaul, swift water, forest and confined space rescue, aircraft fire, EVOC
Other training
CDL class A, Fire and hazmat communications, Hazmat tech, Wild land firefighter 1 and 2, Alive on arrival, EMT-B, LVAD and LVAS, NIMS and ICS 100 200 300 400 700 and 800. Propane emergencies, Firefighter rescue and survival. Several classes relating to natural gas and CO emergencies due to my day job.
About Me:
My name is Justin I have been in the fire service for 10 years I joined because of my dad who has been a firefighter since the late 60's. I am an eagle scout, a free mason and a Kentucky Colonel, a few of the things I'm very proud of. My wife is a 3rd grade teacher we go backpacking and hiking in our free time. We also take in foster kids. I work for a natural gas utility. My job there is installing underground main and service lines and responding to gas emergencies (cut lines, leaks and CO calls). Anything else you want to know just ask.
Day Job:
Natural Gas Public Utility worker
Relationship Status:
Facebook or Other Online Profile:
Why I Joined Fire/EMS
My Dad
Why I Love Fire/EMS
The rush and knowing that I'm doing something good for people. Possibly making a difference for somebody.
Top Issues Facing Responders:
Safety of course, public support, membership, funding, PROPER training, respect, unprofessional people giving the fire service a black eye, and the famous "Good ole boy" system

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Comment Wall (19 comments)

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At 11:34pm on August 9, 2010, Jack/dt said…
Hey, welcome back!
Or at least what passes as the blunt truth. Some people...they just don't get it.
Good to see you made it back safe and sound.
At 7:15pm on August 24, 2009, Tony P said…
G'day Justing. Things are just rolling along on here. Some threads worth a read, lots of dross of course - which I try not to read/comment on but sometimes allow myself to get involved with. For those like me who tend to read and comment, rather than start a thread, it's been a bit thin! We're starting to prepare for the next summer fire season, word is that the weather could be worce than last season - we can hope it doesn't lead to severe fires.
At 9:40pm on June 11, 2009, Peter said…
Long time. Hope you and yours are safe. Life with a house of 5 kids and a wonderful wife (thank God for her) has been keeping me way too busy. Give me some feed back... I posted on both Masonic sites a discussion about why there are not more Masonic Firefighters joining our groups and strenthening our numbers. Please read it and get back.
Thanks, Peter.
At 12:17am on May 16, 2009, Tony P said…
ROFL - you must be nicer than me! I still think the person we're thinking of would have trouble with that level book, I'm still laughing here!

I know I'm not perfect, I make mistakes. But those posts were so hard to read!
At 1:51am on May 14, 2009, Tony P said…
Hmm. 3rd Grade English text? Not too hard you think?
At 6:25am on May 13, 2009, Tony P said…
G'day mate. Sometimes, you just can't get through to some people. I wish one at least would simply give up and go away. Me? I had a minor altercation with a person some time ago, and decided to just forget about it, just stay away. Now I find myself in the same position - sometimes I just can't help myself,

Again, thanks for the clear answer to my question, I truly like to understand how things are done elsewhere. I admire those FD's that do their utmost with virtually no community support. I don't believe that situation should exist, but I know it does in many places aroiund the world. As I said, we are fortunate.
At 4:48pm on April 30, 2009, Rom919 said…
Wow, I thought we had settled on this issue. I never realized on how much you hated Volunteers to I saw one of your recent comments. It is too bad, that your funding is so good, maybe you should walk in the shoe's of the Volunteers that do the job with little or no funding. Maybe you would not be so rude. If you stepped into my little station with $16,000 funding and said screw the community, you would be hanging from the front telephone pole. They are proud that they do what they do, on what they are funded with. Their nickname is the "Fightin' 33". Does your rich department help the more poorer ones, or do you sell your spare equipment and trucks to the HIGHEST BIDDER. Again, maybe you should step back and take a breath... IT is ONLY A Volunteer doing what a Volunteer can do, drive the apparatus there and fight like hell against the devil itself. That is why we are Volunteers. I still find it hard to believe how much you hate "vollies" and you are one..????
At 2:44pm on April 30, 2009, Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd said…
Justin, What really sucked was having the worry of coming up 5.9 hours short on my last paycheck, and that's it... No more time on the books and the workers comp folks have legally up to 90 days before they have to make a determination. They also have to provide 10,000.00 in medical expenses but no more. This meant that the surgery that was scheduled for 5/6 was moved to 5/28. 10K will not even cover the pre-op. To add a little flavor here, 5/7 is the 90 days... Ok, now for my good news. My local started a hour bank with donated leave time to help folks like me out when they run out of sick and vacation time. My next paycheck(s) will be covered, guaranteed. If your department does not have this, it's a really cool thing to start.
Have been home pretty much and the lodge is in Santa Barbara, 40 minutes away. Now that I am retiring for sure, I'll have the time to do this. Stay safe and keep low... Your friend, Mike
At 1:05am on April 28, 2009, Mike Schlags (Captain Busy) Retd said…
Hey Justin, I knew I'd get hammered by Dave pretty quickly and sure enough got a nasty gram so I deleted the post. But I was successful by design shooting over the bow to warn folks about posting nonsense... and lately there seems to be a lot of nonsense...

Still no shoulder surgery with the work comp folks taking the full 90 days to make a determination. so I continue to live on 800 mg ibuprofen pills every six hours.

Hope your world is more fun than mine right now...


At 5:27am on March 25, 2009, Robert C. Baker said…
Hey LOO, How was the backpacking trip, you still upright and taking nourishment. Just checking in on ya bro. BB

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