Before you read this let it be known i respect every single firefighter police officer and paramedics and everyone serving in any Branch of the military. It;s just what one idiot Firefighter said to me that really got under my skin. Hi i went to see the tall ships in Boston this past Saturday and saw some of them we were there at 5 and all the ships were closed and you couldn't go on them They were only letting old Navy veterans on the Irish Navy ship and the USS Cassin Young was closed. I liked it a couple years ago when i went and they had all the ships at the the dock near Summer Street where all the cruise ships come in they were all lined up in one big area and they had multiple Navy ships there including an aircraft carrier it was awesome i have to say this years showing was bad the ships were cool but not enough of them. I am about to enlist in the Navy and i really wanted to go onto the Cassin Young anyways i walked to the big fire station across from the New England Aquarium and got my picture taken in the Fire trucks and i told the firefighter that was standing there that i was joining the Navy hopefully to do damage control cause i want top be a firefighter after the military anyways out of nowhere he says stop being a pussy man i was in the marines they dont let dudes kiss dudes in the marines i wasnt going to stand there and have this argument with this prick bastard i like ships and i like the ocean i dont like the dessert and i have so much respect for any soldier in uniform be it the Navy Army Marines Air Force Coast Guard or National Guard. My cousin is in the Army and he will soon be training to be a Green Beret and he has been in the middle east a couple times and he has had eye surgery and shrapnel lodged in his chest after the hummer in front of his blew up he has screaming nightmares when he comes home sometimes and he said he has had to kill little kids running up to him with big machine guns and my mother said she would kill herself if i died in either the Army or The Marines so i talked with all the recruiters and the Navy seems to be the best bet i am no pussy i am not gay i am just interested in the Marines so if the Boston firefighter that was at engine 10 tower ladder three rescue one Saturday night reads this fuck off. Much respect to all other firefighters and any soldier in any Branch of the military.

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Comment by Dustin J. Millis on July 15, 2009 at 12:27am
Alright alright, now lets not turn this into some big service branch rivalry. Thats not entirely what the original post was about and certainly not what this site was created for.
Comment by Paper-City Jake964 on July 14, 2009 at 9:08pm

chief dino tell this guy he scored too low on his asvab....from an army vet, 10th mtn, iraqi freedom feb2003-may 2004
Comment by Fire Chick on July 14, 2009 at 9:01pm
dont let him get to you... good luck.. hope u make the cut.. stay safe
Comment by Chief Dino on July 13, 2009 at 4:46pm

Don't let any of that interservice rivalry stuff piss you off. I spent 20 years in the Navy and still put with the Sailor jokes from my boss who spent 4 years in the Army. As far as the Navy vs. Marine Corps thing . . . the Marine Corps and the Navy are like two brothers who constantly fight each other, we still got along well in the end. The next time some former Marine gives you crap, tell him you were going to join the Marines but scored too high on the ASVAB ;-)
Comment by Oldman on July 13, 2009 at 1:15pm
Let em go in one ear and out the other. Kinda the same thing as the riff between pipemen and truckies.

Last time I looked, there was no "Marine Department", at the Pentagon, but there was a Navy Department.

Besides, I love telling these guys that the Air Force bombed everything, the Navy fired missiles and blew up the rest. Afterward, the Army and Marines went in to take care of the mess.
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on July 13, 2009 at 5:51am
Whew... calm down matt!!!! Your right what if a little kid came in and said that would he have called the little kid gay. Well... what if a little kid came on this site and read what you just wrote??? See how that works.

Granted the ff should definatly NOT have said that. I have no plans of ever joining the armed forces but I do have a deep respect for the men and women that do serve!!!! Including you!!! What the ff said was wrong but you better get used to it because from what I have seen, it doesnt matter what branch you serve in, all of the other branches are going to give you crap about it. Its like the marines hate the navy, the army hates the marines, air force hates army...etc...

Just please watch your language next time you post something
Comment by matt lynch on July 13, 2009 at 1:54am
i am not angry at the Marines i respect all of them i am wondering if this is what they tell them in marine boot camp cause it seems everyone has this assumption that everyone in the Navy is Gay. I am not gay i just thought it was kinda rude that he said that to me i walked in the station told him what i wanted to do and right after the word Navy came out of my mouth he said stop being a pussy man i was in the marines i was in marine damage control i dont kiss dudes. Well i wasnt going to sit there and listen to this so i took my camera and left the guy was an ass i appreciate his service to this country both as a marine and a firefighter but damn what if a little kid came in and said that would he have called the little kid gay.
Comment by BillySFCVFD on July 12, 2009 at 10:32pm
Whew Matt that was a hard read. Easy on the anger, if you make to cut to enlist in the Navy, you'll need to adjust to rivalry amongst the military branches. Good luck on your future goals. TCSS

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