I have decided after careful consideration to try to run for Preident in the 2012 election.I am 34 at this time,married with 3 children.I am an EMT and volunteer firefighter.I am not a politician.I am asking you for your questions and comments.I am also asking for the support of Firefighter Nation members.I am not going to make any promises directly related to issues facing our country at this time.I do have ideas about several of the issues and will explain them either at a later date or when asked.Thank You and you can also find me on myspace by looking for hudson.for.president.2012

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Comment by BillySFCVFD on June 3, 2009 at 10:39am
This reminds me of the CA Governor election when Governor Gray Davis stepped down. The candidates included Gary Coleman (whatcha talkin bout Willis?) and a stripper. Both of them at least had some fame, good or bad, and still got very few votes. Like OM said, run for a local office and try that out first. Just hope a stripper or a has been child actor aren't on the ballot with you. TCSS
Comment by Oldman on June 3, 2009 at 9:42am
I would suggest running for a local position first. Try the water so to speak, and move up the ladder. Please don't take this the wrong way, but your idea is akin to being a fire cadet and trying to be the Fire Chief. Without working your way up, your chances of success are slim to none.

Personally, there is not enough booze, money, women, and all other material things in this world, that would make me even consider taking that job.
Comment by Dustin J. Millis on June 3, 2009 at 12:19am
Your joking right??? As much as I would love to see a ff take office, only because of all the advances that would be made in the fire service, anyone that plainly admits he has no formal political experience doesnt stand a chance. Not to hurt your feelings or anything but I've always thought that its best to take a realistic approach on life. Think about how much money it costs to run for pres. (Yeah... its like millions of dollars) After that, think of the thousand other issues and maybe try to make some realistic goals. Sorry

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